Photo was taken at Thorong La Top.Photo was taken at Thorong La Top.

Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho - 17 days

Quick Facts
  • Trip Duration17 Days
  • Destination Nepal
  • Difficulty Level Strenuous
  • Maximum Altitude 5,416 meters (17,769 feet)
  • Activity Trek
  • Starts/Ends Kathmandu - Kathmandu
  • Group Size 1 - 16
  • Transportation Local bus + Tourist Bus
  • Best Season Spring and Autumn
Why You'll Love This Trip
  • You can see the mind-blowing and dramatically diverse landscapes, from subtropical forests and greenery terraced fields to alpine meadows, high-altitude deserts, and glacial lakes. Every turn you take has a different, amazing landscape.
  • You will be witnessing some of the world’s highest mountain peaks, which include Annapurna I (8,091 m), Dhaulagiri (8,167 m), Manaslu (8,163 m), and many more snow-layered mountain peaks.
  • You will be passing through the traditional villages where the people of Gurung, Manangi, and Tibetan communities, who follow Buddhism mostly, have local and awesome hospitality with friendly vibes.
  • You can explore the Nar Phu Valley, which is a hidden gem around Annapurna Circuit Trek and is untouched by many trekkers, full of Tibetan culture and ancient monasteries. 
  • You can go for a trek to Tilicho Lake, which has been listed as the world’s highest lake, standing at an elevation of 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), which offers crystal-clear water and the best views of glorious mountain peaks. 
  • You have to conquer the challenging high passes, which are Thorong La Pass (5,416 m) and Kang La Pass (5,320 m), which give you thrills and adventure. 
  • You need to pass through the Annapurna Conservation Area, which is the largest protected area in Nepal, covers 7,629 square kilometers (2,946 square miles), and is home to large species of endangered wildlife. 
  • There is a pilgrimage site in the Annapurna Circuit Trek like Muktinath Temple, where devotees from Hindu and Buddhist religions come to worship. This temple has spiritual significance in this trek, surrounded by gorgeous scenery. 
  • You will get a chance to stay in charming villages like Manang and Ngawal, which have unique features such as traditional stone-paved houses, prayer flag decoration, and terraced fields. Here, you can learn the customs and traditions of the locals, along with their lifestyle. 
  • The Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho (17 days) has so many things to offer the trekkers, such as an adventurous trek, a cultural trek, a spiritual trek, and a nature beauty trek.

Annapurna Circuit Trek with Nar Phu and Tilicho: A Short Introduction

The Annapurna Circuit Trek, the Nar Phu Valley, and the Tilicho Lakes come together with the soul-stirring natural beauty of the Himalayas, landscapes, and cultural experiences. Annapurna Circuit Trek is famous for mesmerizing surrounding views, from lush subtropical forests at lower elevations to desert-like surroundings at high altitude with snowy mountain peaks like Annapurna I and Dhaulagiri. The world’s highest pass, Thorong La Pass, also lies there, which is the highest point of trekking at an elevation of 5,416 meters (17,769 ft).

Tilicho Lake is situated at an elevation of 4,919 meters (16,138 feet) above sea level, sparkling like a blue diamond, surrounded by glaciers and rocky hills. This lake is surrounded by various stunning mountain peaks, including Tilicho Ri, and this trek is part of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. The sparkling lake water and beautiful surroundings make this place a popular trekking destination for photographers and adventure lovers.

The Nar Phu Valley is a hidden gem and a remote trekking destination around Annapurna Circuit. It is one of the less explored trekking routes, and it is where the ancient Tibetan culture thrived. Its remote and rugged terrain, deep gorges, the player flags, traditional-style houses, and the monasteries are the major attractions.

Flora and Fauna in the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho

In Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho Trek, you will be passing through dense forests and a variety of landscapes. Annapurna Conservation Area has endangered unique flora and fauna. Here’s a discussion of what you can expect:

  • Flora: The lower regions of this trek have lush and green landscapes, with dense forests of rhododendron, oak, and pine trees. As you ascend, the landscape changes to alpine shrubs and grasses. The Nar Phu region is known for its barren landscapes, with sparse vegetation consisting of bushes and small shrubs. The Tilicho Lake area is mostly rocky, with little vegetation.
  • Fauna: The Annapurna region is home to a different species of wildlife. You may spot Himalayan blue sheep, musk deer, and even the elusive snow leopard in the higher altitudes. The region is also home to a variety of birds, including the Himalayan monal, the national bird of Nepal, also known as the Danphe. In the lower regions, you may encounter langur monkeys, barking deer, and a variety of smaller mammals.

What should be your expectations during the Annapurna circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho?

You will love the trek of the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho, as every trekking stop has its own unique charm. Let’s discuss what you can expect during this trek:

  • You can expect to see the diverse dramatic landscapes, which change day to day as you ascend to the high altitude. You won’t be bored because you will not see a single day with the same landscapes and surroundings as you’ve seen before, so every day can be a unique day for you.
  • You should expect thrilling and challenging passes like Thorong La Pass, the world’s highest pass, standing at an elevation of 5,416 m, and Kang La Pass, standing at an elevation of 5,320 m, but the mesmerizing vistas of the Himalayas make it totally worth trekking.
  • You will have the opportunity to go in depth and learn about the ancient Tibetan culture of Nar Phu Valley. You will get to experience interaction with locals, visit old monasteries, and learn about the lifestyle of traditional stone-paved houses.
  • You can see the peaceful Tilicho lakes at an elevation of 5,416 meters, as well as other small lakes dotted along the trekking route, which add to the beauty of this trek to the next level.
  • You can witness the jaw-dropping views of some of the highest majestic peaks in the world, including Annapurna I, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and some other beautiful mountain peaks.
  • This trek is a test of mental stamina as well as physical strength, so be well prepared for the challenging yet rewarding trekking experience.

How difficult is the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho in 17 days?

Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho (17 days) is one of the most challenging treks, as it includes two high passes, one is the highest pass in the world, Thorong La Pass, and another pass is Kang La Pass, and trekking through remote areas. There are some factors that can create difficulty while trekking on this route. 

You will be crossing the passes of more than 5000 meters during this trek, which carries the chances of altitude sickness, if proper acclimatization is not done. You might have to walk a long time, sometimes 8 to 10 hours a day, so be well prepared for that with good leg strength. The difficult steep ascent and descent, with rocky paths, narrow gorges, and high suspension bridges, can create difficulties while trekking. You can’t predict the weather conditions, as there is a possibility of snow, rain, and cold temperatures, so you should pack full gear.

How difficult are Thorong La Pass and Kang La Pass?

As we know, Thorong La Pass is one of the most difficult passes in the world, as it is also enlisted as the world’s highest pass, at an elevation of 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), and another pass, Kang La Pass, at an elevation of 5,320 meters (17,454 feet), is situated on the Annapurna Circuit with the Nar Phu and Tilicho treks. Chances of having altitude sickness are a real concern over here; the lack of oxygen at this altitude can lead to symptoms like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.

The climb to Thorong La Pass and Kang La Pass is several hours of continuous ascents, a challenging climb with steep and uneven paths. You can experience the weather above, like snowstorms, strong winds, and freezing temperatures, which can make the crossing even more difficult, so be prepared with the proper gear. The day you cross these passes can be exhausting, as this can take a few more hours than other days, so you should be mentally and physically fit for this.

A typical day on the Annapurna Circuit Trekking with Nar Phu and Tilicho

A typical day on the Annapurna Circuit trekking with Nar Phu and Tilicho starts with waking up early in the morning, around 6 a.m. We freshen up and have breakfast, then pack your backpack and start to trek. Usually, the morning trek is the longest; we walk for around 4 to 5 hours, then take a lunch break at a lodge or teahouse. We enjoy a good meal there, and we take a rest for an hour or more.

We continue trekking after having a short break for lunch; we walk for around 2 to 3 hours. After this, we arrive at our destination for the day and then check in, freshen up, and relax. After that, we go explore the nearby village or surrounding area, interact with locals, and learn about their cultures and ways of living. We enjoy a warm dinner in the evening at the teahouse and relax, play cards, and talk with other trekkers. After that, we go to bed and rest well for the next day’s trek.

A typical day at Thorong La Pass and Kang La Pass

In these two days, we wake up early, around 4 to 5 a.m., and start our trek early to avoid strong winds later in the day. We will carry some food and energy bars, pack up in the dark, and eat along the way while resting for a few minutes. We pass through the steep ascent under the light of your headlamp, and the path is rugged and rocky, with the air becoming thinner as you ascend to the higher elevation.

Both passes can be covered with snow, with distant mountain peaks glowing in the morning light. The altitude makes each step challenging, so it is important to take frequent short breaks as necessary to catch your breath. After we reach the Thorong La Pass with the celebration of achievement, we descend down to the Muktinath. Once you reach Kang La Pass, we descend down to the Ngawal village after taking some pictures and enjoying ourselves.

Why should you prioritize Nature Excursion Pvt. Ltd. for Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho for 17 days?

We, the Nature Excursion family, care for our guests, as we believe in “Atithi Dewo Bhawa,” which means guests are like gods. We prioritize your safety and well-being, making sure that you have had a great time with us during the trek. You don’t need to be worried while you are here in our country with us. 

We will provide you with a well-experienced guide to look after your problems and trekking route. They are fluent in English, and can help you communicate with locals as well. The guide will be guiding you throughout your journey in the Himalayas.

We can provide you with these things:

  • Free pickup and drop-off service from and to Tribhuvan International Airport.
  • Company t-shirt.
  • Down jacket, duffel bags, and sleeping bags, which you have to return after the trek.
  • Mountain guides have immense Himalayan experience.
  • Helicopter evacuation and medical treatment while needed (from your travel insurance company’s expenses).
  • Store your extra luggage in our office.
  • a first-aid kit and an oximeter for your safety.
  • Certificate of appreciation after the completion of the trek.
  • Farewell meal for you after the end of this trip.
Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho - 17 days pictures and video



On the day of your arrival, we will come pick you up and drop you off at the hotel. In the evening, we will discuss our Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho Trek itinerary.

After that, on the next day, we will travel from Kathmandu to Jagat. You will be passing through amazing landscapes on the way, which include green hills, terraced fields, the Trishuli River, and small traditional-style villages. We reach Besisahar and have lunch over there, then we start our journey to Jagat. Jagat is a charming village and the starting point of our trek. We will take a rest today and prepare for our trek.

  • Max. Altitude:1,300 meters (4,265 feet)
  • Meals:Lunch and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:7-8 hours

This day, we will start our trek from Jagat to Dharapani, where we will get to see the dense forests, waterfalls, and glimpses of mountain peaks. You will be passing through the lush forests, the suspension bridge, and the amazing view of the Annapurna ranges. Though the trial is a bit challenging, the surrounding scenery will keep you motivated.

Dharapani is a small village and the stop point for today’s trekking. Once you reach here, you can see the locals with welcoming and friendly nature and their traditional way of life.

  • Max. Altitude:1,960 meters (6,430 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:5โ€“6 hours

This day, we will trek towards Koto, with its captivating views of Annapurna II and the lush pine forests. This is a village surrounded by the Himalayas, and this trail passes through the dense pine forests along with the river valleys. This is a village that provides basic accommodation, which makes it a great place to rest and prepare for the next day’s trek.

Koto is also the gateway towards the Nar Phu valley, and the real trekking adventure starts from this place.

  • Max. Altitude:2,610 meters (8,563 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:5โ€“6 hours

The trek from Koto to Meta offers a challenging trek, along with views of mesmerizing Pisang Peak. You will be passing through rocky hills, alpine forests, and barren landscapes. The air gets thinner, and the views become more and more eye-catching with a glimpse of some snow-capped mountains.

You will be passing through the steep path as you ascend, and you will see a remote village, Meta, with breathtaking mountain views. There are basic lodges in a small village, Meta, for trekkers like us.

  • Max. Altitude:3,560 meters (11,680 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:6-7 hours

On this day, we trek from Meta to Phu Gaun, which takes approximately 6 to 7 hours. You will be passing through narrow gorges, high suspension bridges, rugged landscapes, and gorgeous snowy mountain views. You will get to see the stunning view of the Himlung Himal dominating the skyline.

Phu Gaun is an ancient museum following Tibetan culture, full of ancient monasteries, traditional stone houses, and villages decorated with prayer flags. It is a remote village that is known for its warm hospitality and friendly locals. There are basic tea houses or lodges with basic facilities for the trekkers.

  • Max. Altitude:4,080 meters (13,385 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:6-7 hours

Nar village is like a hidden jewel in the Nar Phu Valley. This day's trek to Nar village from Phu Gaun is a bit easier as compared to other days' treks, but the high altitude can make it challenging. You will get to see the stunning beauty of the Annapurna ranges during this trek.

Nar Village is a beautiful village with traditional-style stone houses and terraced fields. Locals over here follow a mixture of cultures, including Tibetan Buddhism and Bon, an ancient religion of the Himalayas. This trek gives you an insight into the traditional way of life of the locals in high-altitude places. Once we reach Nar village, we relax and prepare for the next day.

  • Max. Altitude:4,110 meters (13,484 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:5โ€“6 hours

Today is a rest day or an acclimatization day at Nar village. We will be roaming around this village and going on a short hike to the base camp of Kang La Pass. Nar village is actually rich in cultures and traditions, with its ancient monasteries and the decoration of the surrounding with prayer flags.

The village provides you with a unique cultural experience, while the base camp provides stunning views of the surrounding peaks. This day is necessary for acclimatization, preparing you for the challenges ahead, and minimizing the risk of altitude sickness, as we will be heading towards Kang La Pass, which is at a height of 5,320 meters (17,454 feet) above sea level.

  • Max. Altitude:4,110 meters (13,484 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse

Today, we will start our trek early in the morning as we have to cross a long way. We pack some snacks in our backpack and start walking early. Kang La Pass is one of the main highlights of this trek, as it is at an elevation of 5,320 meters and has a steep ascent with challenges.

You’ll be treated to a 360-degree panorama of the Annapurna range, including the towering peaks of Gangapurna and Annapurna II. The descent to Ngawal is steep, but it offers equally stunning views of the Marsyangdi Valley. Ngawal is a village where you can find basic accommodation facilities. At the end of this day, we prepare for another day of proper rest.

  • Max. Altitude:5,320 meters (17,454 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:8-9 hours

Manang is one of the most popular stops on the Annapurna Circuit and is a lively village that is a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural richness. The trek from Ngawal to Manang is a bit easy, with gradual ascents and descents. Manang is a beautiful village with lots of teahouses, shops, and cafes. You can witness the mesmerizing views of the Annapurna range and Gangapurna Lake. Manang is also a great place to acclimatize before heading to higher altitudes.

The village is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and alpine landscapes, and it is home to the Gurung and Tibetan communities. Manang also provides information on altitude sickness and necessary precautions, which you can visit and learn in the evening.


  • Max. Altitude:3,540 meters (11,614 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:3-4 hours

On this day, we will trek from Manang to Tilicho Base Camp through rugged terrain with astonishing views of Tilicho Peak and the Annapurna range. The base camp is the starting point for the hike to Tilicho Lake, which is known as one of the highest lakes in the world.

The path from Siri Kharka to Tilicho Base Camp is not in good condition due to a huge landslide in between, and there may be chances of stones falling, so be careful while walking and listen to your guide. On this trekking trail, we suggest you not put earbuds on your ears while walking.

Tilicho Base Camp is your start to one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, Tilicho Lake. This trek is challenging, with steep ascents and rugged terrain. The views along the way are breathtaking, with mesmerizing Tilicho Peak and the Annapurna Range dominating the sky. The base camp has basic accommodation facilities, a few lodges, and a place to rest and prepare for the next day's hike to Tilicho Lake.

  • Max. Altitude:4,150 meters (13,615 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:6-7 hours

On this day, we trek from Tilicho Base Camp to Tilicho Lake, listed as the world's highest lake, and then return to Siri Kharka. This is a lake with crystal-clear blue water, surrounded by stunning snowy mountain peaks. It is another main highlight of this trek, with the challenging, steep ascents and high altitude making it a tough climb. But the effort is worth it when you reach the lake. 

After spending some time at the lake, you’ll descend back to Siri Kharka, a small settlement that provides basic accommodation. On this day, you should again need to be attentive because of the condition of the trail, so listen to your guide properly and be safe while walking.

  • Max. Altitude:4,949 meters (16,237 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:6-7 hours

On this day, we will trek from Siri Kharka to Ledar. Ledar is a small place with a few lodges, making it a great place to rest before heading to higher altitudes.

You will be taking gradual ascents with the stunning views of the surrounding mountains. Ledar is a small settlement that offers basic accommodation and a chance to rest before the challenging days ahead. The mesmerizing views from Ledar of the Annapurna range and Chulu West make this a perfect place to relax and enjoy the beauty of the Himalayas.

  • Max. Altitude:4,018 meters (13,189 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4 to 5 hours

Today, we are trekking from Ledar to High Camp with the beautiful scenery of Thorong Peak and the Annapurna Range. It is the final trekking stop before ascending to Thorong La Pass, and the views of the Himalayas  and dramatic landscape are alluring.

The trek from Ledar to High Camp is steep uphill and challenging, and the altitude makes it even tougher. But the views from High Camp are worth the effort. We can feel ourselves being surrounded by captivating snowy peaks, including Thorong Peak and the Annapurna Range. The night at High Camp is cold and challenging, and this day is the day to be mentally prepared for the next day’s adventure, Thorong La Pass.

  • Max. Altitude:4,800 meters (15,748 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4โ€“5 hours

Thorong La Pass is also a main highlight of the Annapurna Circuit, along with Nar Phu and Tilicho Lake. It is difficult and challenging to cross this pass. We will be offered top-notch panoramic views of the Annapurna range, Dhaulagiri, and the Kali Gandaki Valley along the way. 

On this day, we ascend to Thorong La Pass, the world’s highest pass. We wake up early at 4 a.m. and start packing, getting ready, and leaving the place by carrying some snacks and energy bars. Once we reach there, we take some photographs and enjoy the conquest. After this, we descend to Muktinath, which is steep but manageable. Muktinath is a sacred site for both Hindus and Buddhists, and we end our day with a sense of accomplishment.

  • Max. Altitude:5,416 meters (17,769 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:8-9 hours

This day, we will drive from Muktinath to Tatopani for around 4 to 5 hours. You will get to see the scenic Kali Gandaki Valley, with stunning views of terraced fields and traditional villages. You will also pass the Kali Gandaki, which is the world’s deepest gorge, in the drive from Muktinath to Tatopani.

Tatopani is a peaceful place that is famous for its natural hot springs, where you can enjoy and relax in hot water, which helps relax your tired muscles after a long trek.

  • Max. Altitude:1,200 meters (3,937 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4-5 hours of driving

This day's drive from Tatopani to Pokhara is a scenic journey through greenery, hills, terraced fields, and traditional-style villages. Pokhara is a small but beautiful city with plenty of attractions to explore. From this city, we can witness the stunning mountain views, with Phewa Lake adding to its charm. Pokhara is a great place to relax after returning from a trek, with a large number of places to visit.

In the evening, we relax and enjoy Phewa Lake, and you can explore some fancy restaurants and have dinner, and walk enjoying the nightlife of Pokhara.

  • Max. Altitude:820 meters (2,690 feet)
  • Meals:Breakfast and Lunch
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4-5 hours of driving

This trekking journey comes to an end with a drive back to Kathmandu. You will be witnessing the scenic countryside, with greenery, terraced fields, rivers flowing at one side of the highway, and traditional villages adding to the charm. After reaching Kathmandu, we will drop you off at the hotel, where you can take a good rest. We will meet in the evening for our complimentary farewell meal.

On your departure day, we will drop you back at the Tribhuvan International Airport along with your backpacks. Until next time, see you soon!

  • Max. Altitude:1,400 meters (4,593 feet)
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:7-8 hours of driving
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Cost Details
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off services during your arrival and departure time
  • Transportation during the Trek
  • Accommodation during the trek as per the itinerary
  • All healthy meals during the trek (breakfast, lunches and dinner)
  • Government licensed, well-English-speaking Nature Excursions native guide with his meals, salary, flight cost, insurance and other necessary equipment. We provide an assistant trek guide group of 6 or more trekkers.
  • Porter to help the trekker's luggage. Two trekkers can share one porter; the luggage weight limit is 10 kg per trekker.
  • You can store non-essential stuff in your hotel or Nature Excursions store
  • 2 night’s hotel in Kathmandu before and after the trek.
  • 1 night hotel in Pokhara
  • For safe drinking, Nature Excursion Pvt. Ltd provides water purification tablets.
  • Snacks (cookies) and seasonal fresh fruit as per the availability.
  • Annapurna Conservation Area Permit fee
  • Nar Phu special permit fee
  • All government, local taxes and official expenses
  • First aid Kit with Diamox (preventative measures to avoid altitude sickness) carried by the guide. Oximeter to check your pulse and oxygen level in your body.
  • We provide a duffle bag, sleeping bag, and down jacket as per your request. Has to return after the trek.
  • Appreciation certificate after the completion of trek.
  • Farewell dinner at the end of the trek
  • Assisting if there is any emergency evacuation or rescue due to uncertainty or any serious health condition (incur charges should be covered by your travel insurance).
  • Nepal entry visa fees depend how much time you want to spend in Nepal ($25-15 days, $40-50 for 30 days and $100-110 for 90 days.)
  • All your meals and hotel in Kathmandu due to early arrival, late departure or early return from the trek than schedule itinerary
  • Meals at Pokhara
  • Your personal clothing and gear.
  • Personal nature expenses like- energy bars, hot and cold drinks, laundry, internet, battery recharge, hot shower, extra porters, etc.
  • Your travel insurance, which covers your emergency evacuation.
  • Extra expenses which are not listed in the include section
  • Additional cost due to delays caused by circumstances beyond our control, like- landslide, itinerary modifications due to safety concerns, weather conditions, illness, changes of government policies and strikes
  • Tipping for your guide and porter (Expected)

Clients Reviews

  • Went for the mountains, will come back for the people.

    Would recommend everyone to go with Nature Excursion. All our questions were answered and during the trek everything was taken care of. I would say our guide was very professional, what i apreciated even more was how he wanted to show us the real beauty of Nepal. He was very humble and first one to help other fellow trekkers. We enjoyed the company and also our own spare time.

    We got a very good experience trekking through the Himalayas. We got new courage from our guide when we thought we couldn't go on. We made friends along the way, so we wanted to change our itinerary a bit. Our guide had some good ideas and we even walked a less known trail.

    We did the trek in 16 days, We did the Annapurna circuit trek, with Tilicho lake, Thorong La pass (5416m) and Poon Hill. Later on we also did Mardi Himal. Both treks complimented each other.

    Thanks to Nature Excursion we got an amazing Nepal experience.


    PieternelNetherlandsJun 24, 2022
Useful Information

What is the best season to trek the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho for 17 days?

The best time to trek the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho (17 days) is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons. During this time, the weather is stable, with moderate temperatures and clear skies. These seasons can be said to be the best to witness the best Himalayan view.

Spring is the best season for captivating views of the majestic Himalayas and diverse landscapes. You can see the rhododendron forests in full bloom. During this season, the weather is mild, with clear skies and stunning views of the mountains. Autumn is the most popular time to trek in Nepal because the weather is stable, with clear skies and perfect trekking trail conditions. You can observe the best view of the year this season and get to experience the culture and festivities during this season more.

It is not recommended to go to Annapurna Circuit Trek with Nar Phu and Tilicho during the monsoon, as you may face a lot of difficulties, like heavy rainfall, landslides, leeches, and steep trail conditions. Talking about the winter season, it is difficult to conquer the high altitude trek, but if you want to go during this season, you should be very careful and prepared with all essential gear.

What about accommodation in Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho?

Depending on the location, there are several accommodations along the Annapurna Circuit with the Nar Phu and Tilicho treks. Comfortable teahouses and lodges with basic amenities like Wi-Fi, electricity, and hot showers may be found in the lower elevations. As you go higher in altitude, you have shared rooms, shared bathrooms, and limited facilities.

The lodgings in the Nar Phu region are quite basic, without hot showers or electricity. You'll have to get used to the lack of facilities and the cold weather. However, you will be amazed by the service and hospitality of the locals over there. The lodging in Tilicho Base Camp and High Camp is likewise extremely basic, with shared rooms and limited facilities.

Permits and Fees for the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho

Trekking in Annapurna Circuit, which lies in the Annapurna region, that too with Nar Phu Valley and Tilicho Lake, requires a few important permits. The required permits are compulsory for all trekkers to ensure the safety of cultural and natural heritage over there. You need a total of three permits for this trek: ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project), TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System), and Nar Phu Restricted Area Permit.

ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project)

  • Cost for Foreigners: $25 USD per person
  • Cost for SAARC Nationals: $8 USD per person
  • Cost for Nepali Citizens: Free

This permit is necessary for any trekkers entering the Annapurna region, and this helps to support environmental conservation, local community projects, and the maintenance of trekking trails. You can obtain this permit from the Nepal Tourism Board, Kathmandu, Nepal.

TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System)

  • Cost for Foreigners: $15 USD per person
  • Cost for SAARC Nationals: $8 USD per person
  • Cost for Nepali Citizens: Free

This permit is also needed for every trekker to track their movement and ensure their safety during emergency conditions, natural disasters, or if someone is missing. You can obtain this permit from the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN), Kathmandu, Nepal.

Nar Phu Restricted Area Permit

  • Cost for Foreigners: $100 USD per person per week
  • Cost for SAARC Nationals: $12 USD per person per week
  • Cost for Nepali Citizens: Free

The Nar Phu Valley is a restricted area to preserve and promote its culture and remote environment. The cost here is higher due to the area's restricted status, which helps limit the number of trekkers and contributes to local community development and conservation efforts. You can obtain this permit from the Immigration Office in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho Costs

When planning for the trek to Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho 17 Days, it is important to know about the costs involved in this trek, which can depend on several factors such as the season, the size of your group, and the level of services you want. The costs begin with the trekking permits: the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP) permit costs around $25, while the Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) permit costs around $15; both are compulsory for anyone trekking in this region.

Additionally, to enter the Nar Phu restricted area, a special permit is required to protect its remoteness and cultural significance, which costs around $100 a week and $15 per additional day during September to November and around $75 a week and $10 per additional day during December to August.

You'll need to separate some budget for guide and porter services, which can range from $25–$30 per day for a guide and $20–$25 per day for a porter. As they help you navigate the challenging routes and carry heavy loads, especially at higher altitudes, Accommodation costs can vary depending on where you stay, with costs starting from $10 per night in basic teahouses to $25 per night in comfortable lodges. Meals cost between $5 and $15 per meal, with the price rising as you ascend to higher altitudes, where it is difficult to transport the food supplies. Water bottles may cost $1 to $3.

Transportation costs during the drive from Kathmandu to Jagat and then from Pokhara back to Kathmandu cost between $15 and $25 by road. It is good to allocate $10–$20 per day for miscellaneous expenses such as snacks, bottled water, and other items you need along the way.

The Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho costs vary according to your comfort and preferences. It is necessary to allocate a budget and plan for a trip wisely.

Why do I need Travel insurance for Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho 17 days trek?

Travel insurance is very important for Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho 17 days because there can be chances of risks when trekking in high altitudes due to the unpredictable weather, remote terrain, and high altitude. As this trek reaches more than 5000 meters, severe conditions like HAPE and HACE can occur.

As you will be trekking in remote areas, the medical facilities are not provided properly over there, and in this condition, you might need helicopter evacuation, which can be costly to you without insurance. Moreover, insurance also helps you cover any other costs, so you should buy travel insurance to lessen your financial burden.

Last-minute booking with us

You don’t need to worry if you have not made an early booking for the trek. If you ever wish to go on a trek, you can inform us a day before your trek starts if you are in Kathmandu, or you should come to Kathmandu a day before the trek. It is possible for you to make a last-minute booking with us.

For the last-minute booking, you need to send your personal information with a valid passport and full payment of the trek package. Once we receive your full details and payment, we will start the booking process. We will try to arrange everything possible for us, including trek permits and good accommodation facilities. Remember that, to arrange the best services and facilities, it is better to inform us early, but in case of emergency, we can process your trek booking a day before as well.

What should you pack for the Annapurna Circuit Trek with Nar Phu and Tilicho Lake for 17 days?

It is essential to pack your backpacks properly while you are going on a trek. You should not miss the most important things that you need while trekking because of the weather conditions, dramatic landscapes, or trail conditions. Here are the lists of essential gear that you will need during the Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho's 17-day trek.

  • Comfortable, warm, and layered clothes
  • Light and waterproof backpack
  • Trekking boots and pants
  • Gloves and Cap
  • Cozy undergarments and warm socks
  • Water bottle and purification tablet
  • Sleeping bag and trekking pole
  • UV protection, sunscreen, and sunglasses
  • Headlight and first aid kit
  • Soap, toilet paper, toothpaste, tissues, etc.
  • Your personal items


  • Sun hat or scarf
  • Winter hat or insulating hat or wide-brimmed hat
  • Headlight with extra battery


  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglass with UV protection
  • Face and body wipes


  • Lightweight gloves
  • Lightweight winter gloves


  • Hiking shirt
  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Hooded rain jacket
  • Fleece jacket
  • Lightweight cotton trousers
  • T-shirt (bring lightweight wool)
  • Polypropylene underwear
  • Down jacket (available for rent in Kathmandu)
  • Sweater
  • Waterproof jacket and trousers


  • Hiking boots
  • Thick wool socks (take an extra pair of thick wool socks)


  • Backpack or day back (size depends on whether you take a porter or not)
  • Thermal bottle
  • Water purification
  • Trekking poles
  • Sleeping bag (-20-degree sleeping bag is best in high-altitude trekking)


  • Medium-size drying towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Biodegradable bar soap
  • Nail clippers


  • Money
  • Watch
  • Cell phone
  • Camera


  • First aid kit
  • Extra passport photos and photocopies of passport
  • Notebook and pen
  • Binoculars


Annapurna Circuit with Nar Phu and Tilicho - 17 days FAQs

  • The best time to go for the Annapurna Circuit Tilicho Lake and Nar Phu Valley trek is from March to May, spring, and September to November, autumn, when the weather is stable, the temperature is moderate, and the views and skies are clear.

  • This trek difficulty is moderate to challenging, with high altitudes and long trekking days, which require good physical fitness and acclimatization, so be well prepared mentally and physically.

  • Yes, you need the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP), the Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) Card Permit, and a special permit (Nar Phu Restricted Area Permit) for the Nar Phu Valley.

  • It's not recommended for complete beginners due to the trek's length and altitude, but if you want to do this trek, you need to do physical exercise related to stretching, leg strength, and cardiovascular exercises three months prior to the Annapurna Circuit Trekking with Nar Phu and Tilicho. Also, experienced trekkers or those with good fitness can attempt it.

  • The highest point is Thorong La Pass at 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), which is also listed as the world’s highest pass.

  • It typically takes 17 days, including acclimatization and exploration days, to complete the Annapurna Circuit Trek with Nar Phu and Tilicho Lake.

  • Solo trekking is not possible nowadays as per the rule of Annapurna Region and Nar Phu Valley, and you should be two in a group and hire a guide for safety, especially in remote areas like Nar Phu Valley.

  • You should not expect great accommodation facilities like in city areas, as it is difficult for locals to transport, and tea houses and lodges are available along the route, offering basic but comfortable facilities.

  • Yes, there may be a chance of altitude sickness, especially when you are around Thorong La Pass and Tilicho Lake, so you should acclimatize and prepare well during this trek.

  • Yes, but charging facilities may have an additional cost and can be limited in some areas, so it is recommended to carry an extra battery or power bank.

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