How to Train for a High-Altitude Trek

  • Karan Gurung
  • Last Updated on Oct 22, 2024

High-altitude trekking is not just about being physically fit and climbing to places with high heights; it is also about the mental adventure. It is more of a test of your being physically and mentally fit because you need to gain thousands of meters on a daily basis till you reach the maximum elevation. You have to walk through the difficult terrain with the thinning of air during the high-altitude treks. So, you must know how to train for a high-altitude trek.

Climbing to the mountains in a low oxygen level is not easy, and this is what I have learned after gaining years and years of experience regarding high-altitude treks like Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Circuit, Annapurna Base Camp, and so on. Trust me, once you step your feet at the maximum altitude, you can witness the drop-dead gorgeous snowy mountain views, which will leave you speechless, and you will feel that every step you took and every sweat you dropped is totally countable.

To make the trek a bit easy for you, I am sharing whatever I have learned while trekking to the high altitude places and Himalayas. If you are planning to do the adventurous high-altitude hiking, go for it, but before going, you need to have ideas and knowledge regarding physical and mental preparation for the high-altitude trek.

How to Train for a High-Altitude Trek

Table of Contents

Sharing My Experience about High Altitude Trekking

High-altitude trekking is seriously a thrilling adventure full of challenges of your life, and you should experience it once in your lifetime. My first high-altitude trekking experience was at Annapurna Base Camp, which is at an elevation of 4,130 meters, and I went for the hike without much preparation, thinking that my regular workout routine was enough. I was wrong because it was easy for me during the initial days, but as I ascended to the high altitude around 4,000 meters, due to the lower oxygen level, I started having a headache, and I could not completely feel my legs.

From my personal experience, I can say that trekking is not only about being physically fit; you can not conquer high altitude trekking if you are not perfect with your mental game. If you get prepared with the best training for high altitude hiking, the captivating scenery is the struggle worthy. The face-to-face close moment with the appealing snowy mountains makes you forget all the pain and the toughest part of the trek.

Always remember that if you do not have good preparation for the Himalayan trek, you can not enjoy the mesmerizing views, as all your attention will go towards your difficulties and challenges. So you should be trained for the high-altitude trekking destination for creating the best and most unforgettable memories of your life. Making yourself mentally and physically strong is the key factor to conquering any trek.

Mental preparation and yoga training

I don’t want you all to make mistakes like mine when I was going for my very first high-altitude trek. I made the mistake of only focusing on preparing myself physically; later, I realized mental preparation is a game changer. You need to push yourself through your mind whenever your body tries to give up.

Yoga for Flexibility and Breathing

Yoga helps in increasing the flexibility in our body and maintaining balance, and it is necessary for the trek as it helps you to walk over uneven and rocky, steep mountain paths. This is also good for the improvement of lung capacity. You can do the breath-control practice if you are going for high-altitude trekking, which is also called Pranayama. This yoga practice helps you in controlling breathing whenever the oxygen level is low, especially at the higher elevation.

Meditation for Mental Strength

When you are above the thousand-meter elevation, you have to face the mental challenges that overshadow the physical challenges. You want to give up during the difficulties at the high elevation, and your physical fitness can not win over your mental weakness. So you should do daily meditation to make yourself mentally strong and calm during the tough part. I started doing meditation after the first bad experience of a high-altitude trek, and it helped me to stay calm and focused during the trek to push my limit.

How to Train for a High-Altitude Trek

How can I physically prepare for a high-altitude hike?

Preparing yourself physically is not only going to the gym occasionally; you need to fully prepare yourself physically in every aspect. You should follow the fitness routine that helps you gain physical strength, especially cardiovascular exercises and leg strength. You must be physically fit enough to walk for several hours a day and focus on your legs, core parts, and lungs.

Cardiovascular Training 

Your body needs to adapt to the thinning of oxygen at the high altitude, so you need cardiovascular training. This exercise helps you in the improvement of the immune system and the lung capacity. You can go for nearby short hikes, cycling, running, or swimming to train your lungs for a high-altitude trek. Start your cardio training three or four months prior to your trek.

Strength Training

It might sound funny, but your best friend is your leg during your trek. You need to be prepared about gaining leg strength, so start doing squats, calf raises, and leg presses three to four months prior to your high-altitude hiking. You can also do planks and sit ups to balance your legs while walking with your heavy backpack.

Go for Hikes

If you have some places nearby your location for the short hikes, then practice hikes. Practicing hikes is the best way of conquering high-altitude treks. If you can, go for the high-altitude hiking trails practice with the same load you will carry in your trek. I also hiked to a few places when I was going for my second high-altitude trek to make my body used to the weight and leg movement.

How to Train for a High-Altitude Trek

Who should not go for the High Altitude Adventure?

High-altitude adventure is full of challenges, so it might not be for everyone; it is for those who are mentally and physically well prepared. You should know the condition of your body to see if it can handle the high elevation and drastic climate change in the higher region of the trek. Some people with health conditions and those who are on certain medications should avoid high-altitude trekking. Let’s discuss this topic.

Heart and Lung Conditions

If you have any kind of issue regarding respiratory or cardiovascular, it is suggested not to go for any trekking where you have to deal with the low oxygen level. If you go for high-altitude trekking, you need to put too much pressure on the system of your body. Your body organs, lungs, and heart will struggle and keep you suffering due to thin air. So going to the top elevation for trekking is not a good decision if you already have your pre-existing health issues.

Sedentary Lifestyle

This means you are not doing any kind of physical exercise and are very passive regarding the movement of your body. It simply means you have been sitting at home or office with no physical movement, so jumping directly to the high elevation hike can be difficult for your body to cope with. You are more likely to suffer from altitude sickness if you do not train yourself well with the regular physical exercise from the very start of your thinking to go for a trek.

Mental Preparedness

Being mentally strong is as much needed as being physically prepared, and if you are not ready to handle the difficult situations and days where everything seems harder and suffering than usual, then you should wait till you have the mentality of pushing your limits to the next level. It is important to be in the right state of mind before planning for the trek to the high-altitude regions.

What are the benefits of high-altitude training?

If you train yourself for the high-altitude trekking destination, it will make you strong and ready for the top-elevation treks. Once you train yourself to adapt to the low oxygen conditions, you can feel less hassle during your high-altitude trek and enjoy the alluring scenery.

Improved Oxygen Efficiency

The main advantage is that your body gets more adjusted and efficient in using the available oxygen properly. I also did the best training for high-altitude hiking, and I found my body performing well even at the elevation of 5,000 meters and above. You can also feel the difference while running, hiking, or climbing stairs once your lungs start to adapt to the low oxygen level or thin air.

Increased Production of Red Blood Cells

When you trek at high elevation, the air becomes thinner, and your body starts to produce more red blood cells, which helps in carrying oxygen from the lungs to other parts of your body. By increasing the number of blood cells, your body can supply more oxygen, even when there is a low level of oxygen. High-altitude training is famous among athletes as it helps in the enhancement of body performance and stamina even when they’re back in lower regions.

Mentally Strong

When you train for the high altitude hikes, you can be mentally strong enough to bear all the difficulties and hard circumstances you face during your trek. While trekking, the higher you move, the harder it will be to walk if you are not ready to give your 100%. The tough part while trekking teaches you regarding the patience, mental toughness, and determination of not giving up. Trust me, the confidence after conquering the high altitude trek is the next level.

Why is it difficult to breathe at high elevation?

If you go for a top-height trek without any arrangements, then you might suffer from breathing difficulty. It won’t feel enough, no matter how deep you try to inhale the oxygen. As you ascend higher, the oxygen level will get low, and your body starts struggling to cope, leading to symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, and even headaches. 

It’s not like there is no oxygen; there is, but it starts to get less as you ascend and reach high-altitude regions. As you move higher, the trees start to seem less, and above 5,000 you can barely see any trees, so the air gets thinner and the body can not get the required amount of oxygen. The solution to this is to slow down your pace, breathe deeply, and give your body enough time to adjust and acclimatize.

How to Increase Stamina and Endurance for High-Altitude Trekking Destinations?

It is necessary to build and increase stamina and endurance for high-altitude trekking destinations to make your wish of trekking come true. It is all about training yourself smartly. You should train yourself for the cardiovascular system and do high-intensity exercises for your body to boost stamina. Go hiking, running, and stair climbing for the good endurance of your body. 

Whenever you have a weekend, you should train your body in every way possible, so you can go on short hikes near your place. If possible, please train yourself in high-altitude regions to make your body adapt in the high-altitude areas, or use an altitude training mask.

Stay hungry and motivated

You need to stay hungry for the achievement of high-altitude trekking and motivated for the toughest part of the trekking. It is a long hike of a few days, so stay motivated because the final destination looks more glamorous and beautiful as compared to the hiking trails. Always remember the unreal beauty of the Himalayas from the close-up view at the top elevation, and push yourself to the limit.

Make your mind calm and peaceful even if you are in a harsh and difficult situation. Just imagine the enthrall beauty of snow-layered mountains, dramatic landscapes, the sense of achievement, or just the adventure of a lifetime, and find your motivation to keep you motivated and calm throughout the long walk.

Some of the High Altitude Trekking Destinations

If you are searching for some of the high-altitude trekking destinations, here are some of the best top-elevation places to look after. This trek will challenge you physically as well as mentally but reward you with the best view. You will feel like standing on the top of the world and witnessing the beauty.

Everest Base Camp (5,364 meters, Nepal)

The trek to Everest Base Camp is on the bucket list for many trekkers who seek adventure and thrills despite their busy lives. You will be trekking in the Khumbu region of Nepal, which is surrounded by the tallest peaks of the world, including Mount Everest as well. The suspension bridges, the prayer flags, walking alongside yaks, and witnessing the breathtaking sight of Everest at sunrise from Kala Patthar are all part of this adventurous trek.

You will be crossing the suspension bridges and waterfalls on the way, which gives you the amazing feeling. You will be passing the village full of sherpa culture at Namche Bazaar, from where you can observe the unbelievable views of snowy mountain ranges. It takes 12 to 21 days to complete this trek as per your physical fitness and preference.

Remember that this trek is full of challenges, so you better be prepared for any difficulties that come in front of you. The high altitude and low level of oxygen make it difficult to some extent. The weather can be unpredictable, with cold nights and occasional snowfalls, but the sense of achievement after reaching base camp is unexplainable.

Annapurna Circuit (5,416 meters, Nepal)

You should not miss Annapurna Circuit if you are planning for a high-altitude trek, which offers diverse landscapes and cultures. From lush valleys and waterfalls to alpine forests and barren, high-altitude terrain, it is a trek full of surprises. The highlight is crossing the Thorong La Pass (5,416 meters), with captivating views of the Annapurna range, including Annapurna I (8,091 meters). It takes 7 to 21 days to complete this trek, depending upon your itinerary.

This trek isn't easy as you need to climb to Thorong La, which is steep, and the air above is thin, and altitude sickness is a real concern. You need proper physical and mental preparation to enjoy and conquer this trek.

Manaslu Circuit (5,160 meters, Nepal)

This trek is for those who want to escape from the hectic life and enjoy nature where the crowd is less and the destination is less explored. This trek is to hike around Mount Manaslu, the eighth highest mountain in the world, standing at an elevation of 8,163 meters. The Larkya La Pass, standing at 5,160 meters, is the highlight of the trek, a challenging but rewarding pass. It takes around 12 to 21 days to complete this trek.

The remoteness of the trek means fewer tourists and less developed infrastructure, so trekkers need to be more attentive and prepared. There is rugged terrain and challenging ascents, which require strong physical fitness and mental strength.

Annapurna Base Camp (4,130 meters, Nepal)

Annapurna Base Camp is a relatively shorter trek than the other famous treks. You will get to witness the Annapurna Sanctuary and towering peaks like Annapurna I, Annapurna South, and Machapuchare. You will be passing the trail through dense rhododendron forests, terraced farmlands, and small Gurung villages, which offers the best view at every turn you take. It takes 5 to 15 days to conquer the trek, which depends on your interest.

This trek may not be as high or long as other treks, but it still comes with its challenges and difficulties. The steep ups and downs and long days can be tough, and even though the altitude is lower than some treks, it can still affect you, but the reward is incredible once you make it to the heart of the Himalayas. So be well prepared for the obstacles and difficult situations properly.

Kilimanjaro Hike (5,895 meters, Tanzania)

Mount Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest peak and one of the most accessible high-altitude treks for adventure lovers. You have to climb through a variety of landscapes, from rainforests at the base to the alpine desert near the summit. Along the way, you'll enjoy stunning views of the African plains. When you reach Uhuru Peak, the highest point of this trek, it is both physically demanding and rewarding.

The altitude can make your trek tough, especially during the final uphill of the trek, which typically happens at night to reach the summit by sunrise. The thin air and freezing temperatures make every step a bit difficult, but the sunrise view from the top is unforgettable. The trek usually takes 6 to 9 days, depending on the route and your itinerary. You should prepare yourself for making this trek a bit easier with fewer challenges.

Kedarkantha Trek (3,800 meters, India)

Kedarkantha is located in the Garhwal Himalayas, and it is perfect for beginners or those looking for a short trek. This is a trek of 4 to 6 days, which provides you with beautiful views of snow-covered peaks, pine forests, and remote villages. In winter, this place turns into a snowy wonderland, which adds more charm to the environment and surroundings.

The climb to this trek is steep, but it can be managed, and the reward is a mesmerizing 360-degree view of peaks like Swargarohini and Bandarpoonch. It is the best trek for those new to high-altitude adventures, which gives you the taste of Himalayan trekking without less altitude challenges.


It is most required to prepare yourself when it comes to walking in high-altitude trekking destinations. As discussed earlier, you should be both physically and mentally prepared. You must focus on your arrangements regarding this because once you reach those dizzying heights, it all feels worth it. There is nothing great like the feeling of standing at the top and knowing you conquered not just the mountain but yourself by pushing yourself to the limit.

Karan Gurung

Karan Gurung

Hey! I'm Karan Gurung, a boy who enjoys traveling and exploring new places. I was born in the Ruby Valley, a remote area of Nepal, and later I moved to Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) in search of better education and facilities.  I joined the trekking industry at an early age, started as a porter, assistant guide, and full guide, and now I am the CEO of Nature Excursion. 

I worked as a mountain leader in Nepal's Himalayas for more than 12 years. I have led over 500 or plus trekkers into the mountains during my guiding tenure.  I feel very fortunate to have such an amazing job taking people to the rural parts of Nepal and connecting them with nature.  My ultimate goal is to make travelers happy and give my 100% to achieve their goals.

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