High Altitude Trek in Nepal

  • Karan Gurung
  • Last Updated on Sep 10, 2024

Nepal is the breathtaking paradise for the world-wide trekkers. Among all the experiences of trekking, these are the challenging high-altitude trekking destinations in Nepal, which give you the thrill and adventurous experience you have ever had. This trek will take you in the lap of the Himalayas, where the air is thin and the view is mesmerizing with the challenges and obstacles. This is the best guide for you, which informs you about the preparation tips, risks, and difficulties during a high-altitude trek.

Table of Contents

What is High Altitude Trek?

A high-altitude trek is the trekking route that takes you above 3,000 meters, where the air starts to get thinner, and your body might feel hard to adapt with the environment temperature and thin air. Many trekkers feel the trekking routes challenging above 3,000 meters (9,843 feet), and you should not trek at high altitude without any preparation if you are faint-hearted. You should be greatly prepared for the high altitude trek, as it might sometimes exceed 5,000 meters, which requires proper physical preparation and nutrition.

Despite the challenges and difficulties, high-altitude treks are the most captivating treks as compared to low-altitude treks. You will feel like you are at the top of the world with the amazing, heart-melting views, which make your eyes stare at the view for a long time. As you ascend to the higher elevations, you can witness the different landscapes, so landscapes are dramatic at every turning point of this trek with the stunning mountain views.

How to prepare for a high-altitude trek in Nepal?

Preparation is the most important when it comes to high-altitude trekking routes in Nepal. You can make your overly challenging trek successful when you do the good preparation to avoid high altitude sickness in the high elevations. Here are the required Nepal high-altitude trekking tips and preparation.

Physical Fitness

High-altitude treks demand a high level of physical fitness. You can start your training prior to 3 to 4 months properly, mainly focusing on cardiovascular exercises, leg strength training, and overall body strength. You can build the necessary stamina in your body with short hikes, cycling, running, and swimming.


Acclimatization is the major factor for avoiding altitude sickness. You can plan your trek with enough acclimatization days, which helps your body adjust to the environment with low oxygen levels. The general rule of trekking is to climb high during the day and sleep low at night, and you should not gain elevation more than 300-500 meters (984-1,640 feet) per day.

Proper Gears

You should invest in quality trekking gear, which includes items like a warm sleeping bag, thermal layer clothing, a down jacket, trekking poles, and good-quality boots. You should make sure that your gear is suitable for any unpredictable weather conditions that you might face during the high-altitude trekking in Nepal.

Hydration and Nutrition 

You should at least drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day to stay hydrated. You should eat a properly balanced diet full of nutrition. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoking while you are trekking in the higher altitude, as it might cause altitude sickness symptoms.

Mental Preparation

Before going on any treks, it is very important to be prepared well, both physically and mentally. It is equally important to be mentally fit as well as physically fit. A positive mindset will help you in the successful high-altitude trekking.

Risks and Difficulties During the Trek in Higher Elevation

Trekking at high altitudes in Nepal always comes up with risks and difficulties. You should be aware of the challenges that will come to you and prepare for a safe and successful trek. Here are some risks and difficulties during the trek in high altitude in Nepal.

Altitude Sickness

There are chances of having altitude sickness while you are trekking to the high elevations. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Severe cases can lead to High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE), both of which are life-threatening. Acclimatization, staying hydrated, and ascending gradually are the best ways to prevent altitude sickness.

Extreme Weather Conditions

The weather conditions at the high altitudes, or the Himalayas, can be unpredictable and can get to the extreme as well. You may encounter harsh weather with strong winds, rain, heavy snowfall, and cold temperatures. You should plan properly and be prepared with the essentials during any kind of weather.

Physical Exhaustion

The combination of steep ascents, long trekking hours, and reduced oxygen levels can lead you to physical exhaustion. You should not push yourself beyond your limits; just listen to your body and take frequent short breaks.

Remote Areas

High-altitude treks often lead you to remote areas where it is difficult to find the medical facilities and rescue services. You should carry a first-aid kit and have travel insurance, which helps in covering high-altitude trekking. You should hire an experienced guide who is an expert in the Himalayas for your safety.

Some challenging high-altitude trekking destinations in Nepal

Most of Nepal's high-altitude trekking route offers beautiful scenery with the dramatic landscapes, rugged terrains, rocky hills, and terraced fields. You need to pass through the dense forests and witness the amazing, colorful environment. You can see the vibrant flowers covering the hills and trekking trails, and traditional villages full of cultures.

Everest Base Camp

The Everest Base Camp (EBC) Trek is one of the most legendary treks in Nepal, which takes you to the world’s highest mountain, the mesmerizing Mount Everest. You have to trek through the Khumbu region, which is home to the Sherpa community and offers the most breathtaking scenery from there.

The maximum elevation over there is 5,364 meters (17,598 feet) at Everest Base Camp, and it takes 12 to 15 days to complete this trek; that too can be modified according to your preferences. You can see the elegant views of Everest, Lhotse, and Nuptse, and visit Tengboche Monastery and Namche Bazaar. You have to pass through the high suspension bridges. You will get to explore the culture of Sherpa people over there.

Annapurna Circuit

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is a popular trek around the Annapurna region in Nepal. This trek takes you through the diverse and dramatic landscapes, gorgeous snowy mountain views, and small charming villages. You will be passing through the subtropical forests to the alpine meadows and desert-like landscape in the high altitude places. One of the highlights of this trek is Thorong La Pass, which is the world's highest pass.

The maximum elevation at this trek is 5,416 meters (17,769 feet) at Thorong La Pass, and this trek can be completed in 15 to 20 days depending upon your preferences. You can witness some famous and alluring snowy mountain range views like Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and many more mountain ranges. You can see the Kali Gandaki gorge, which is the world’s deepest gorge. You can also visit the sacred pilgrimage site, which is Muktinath, during this trek.

High Altitude Trek in NepalHigh Altitude Trek in Nepal

Manaslu Circuit 

The trek to Manaslu Circuit is less renowned than Annapurna and Everest Trekking, yet it offers the adorable views during the trek. You will be trekking around Mount Manaslu, which is the 8th highest mountain in the world. You will be trekking through the subtropical forests to high-altitude deserts, as there are diverse landscapes and cultures. You need to cross the highest point of this trek, the Larkya La Pass.

The maximum elevation of the trek is 5,106 meters (16,752 feet) at Larkya La Pass, which takes around 12 to 18 days to complete this trek and itinerary can be adjusted as per your interest. You can observe the pretty views of snowy mountain ranges such as Manaslu, Himlung, and Cheo Himal. You have to cross the challenging Larkya La Pass and the culturally rich Tsum Valley.

Tsum Valley Manaslu Circuit

Tsum Valley Manaslu Circuit is the way of Manaslu Circuit with the addition or extension of Tsum Valley Trek. Trekkers often visit the Tsum Valley, as it is also known as the sacred place in this trek. You can explore and learn about the unique cultural experience, and you can visit the ancient monasteries and traditional villages that have remained untouched by modern development till now.

The maximum elevation of Tsum Valley during Manaslu Circuit is 5,106 meters (16,752 feet) at Larkya La Pass. It can take 15 to 21 days to complete this trek, which totally depends on your preference of itinerary. You can see the glorious views of Manaslu and the surrounding peaks. You can explore deeply the Tsum Valley, which is remote and culturally rich, and visit the ancient monasteries.

Gokyo Lake

The Gokyo Lake Trek is a high-altitude trek where you can see the stunning Gokyo Lakes, a series of peaceful glacial lakes nestled in the Everest region. You will be ascending to the Gokyo Ri, a viewpoint that offers the best panoramic views of Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu.

The maximum altitude of this trek is 5,357 meters (17,575 feet) at Gokyo Ri. This trek duration can be extended from 12 to 14 days, which totally depends on your interest and preference in choosing the itinerary. You can observe the alluring views of Gokyo Lake and great captivating views from Gokyo Ri. You can explore the remote Gokyo Valley, and as it is a remote area, you can feel the sense of great adventure full of thrills in the less trekked parts of the Everest region.

Three High Pass Trek

The Three High Pass Trek is one of the most challenging and thrilling treks in the Everest region, crossing three major passes, they are Renjo La, Cho La, and Kongma La, and once you complete crossing these passes, you can get a sense of achievement and reward.

Renjo La Pass

Renjo La Pass comes first on the Three High Pass Trek if you follow the anti-clockwise trekking route, which offers beautiful and mesmerizing views of Mount Everest, Mount Lhotse, Mount Makalu, and the Gokyo Lakes. The pass is steep, tough, and challenging, but the attractive views from the top of it are worth the effort.

The maximum height from the sea level at Renjo La Pass is 5,360 meters (17,585 feet). From here, you can see the fascinating views of Mount Everest and the beautiful Gokyo Lakes. You can explore the Gokyo Valley, crossing the Renjo La Pass, and be well prepared as you will be trekking to the high altitude area.

Cho La Pass

Cho La Pass is the second pass on the Three High Pass Trek, which connects the Gokyo Valley with the Everest Base Camp route. The pass has a steep and often icy climb, with a challenging descent on the other side. You will be trekking across Cho La Pass, which is one of the most demanding parts of the route.

The highest elevation of Cho La Pass is 5,420 meters (17,782 feet) from the sea level. You can see the fantastic views of Ama Dablam and Cholatse as you cross the Cho La Pass, and you can also visit the Everest Base Camp and Kala Patthar. You should be well prepared for this trek, as it can be your first thrilling and adventurous trek, which might create some difficulties, so be prepared with full precautions.

Kongma La Pass

Kongma La Pass is the highest pass among these Three High Pass Treks, which gives you the most thrilling adventure with the pleasing views of the Everest region. As you will be crossing this pass, you will find out that the pass is remote and rugged, with few trekkers passing this way, which makes you feel like the true test of your strength and skill.

The maximum height of this pass is 5,545 meters (18,192 feet) from the sea level. While crossing the highest Kongma La Pass, you can witness the enthrall views of snowy mountains such as Mount Everest, Mount Lhotse, and Mount Nuptse. It may be difficult to overcome the difficulties during this pass if you are not well prepared for altitude sickness prevention and proper gear. Remember that you should be fully prepared both physically and mentally.

As you complete this trek, you can get the sense of the biggest achievement of your life in completing the Three High Pass Trek.

High Altitude Trek in NepalHigh Altitude Trek in NepalHigh Altitude Trek in Nepal


Once you go for a high-altitude trek in Nepal, it offers some of the most pulse-pounding yet rewarding trekking experiences in the world. You can go deep into the heart of the Himalayas during this trek, where you will encounter the dramatic landscapes and challenges that push your limit to the next level. Wherever you are trekking, the trek to high-altitude areas will always stay in your mind and heart.

For a successful high-altitude trek, preparation is the must. You should be physically fit enough to go for the trek without any hassle, mentally prepared, and properly equipped to overcome the challenges of high-altitude trekking. With proper planning and consideration, you’ll be ready to tackle the top high-altitude treks in Nepal and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Karan Gurung

Karan Gurung

Hey! I'm Karan Gurung, a boy who enjoys traveling and exploring new places. I was born in the Ruby Valley, a remote area of Nepal, and later I moved to Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) in search of better education and facilities.  I joined the trekking industry at an early age, started as a porter, assistant guide, and full guide, and now I am the CEO of Nature Excursion. 

I worked as a mountain leader in Nepal's Himalayas for more than 12 years. I have led over 500 or plus trekkers into the mountains during my guiding tenure.  I feel very fortunate to have such an amazing job taking people to the rural parts of Nepal and connecting them with nature.  My ultimate goal is to make travelers happy and give my 100% to achieve their goals.

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