Best Time to Go for Annapurna Circuit Trek

  • Karan Gurung
  • Last Updated on Jul 14, 2024

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is the most mesmerizing trekking experience you will ever get to experience, as this trek offers gorgeous and unbelievable views of the greatest snowy mountain ranges. This trek typically spans from 8 to 21 days, depending on your itinerary. The trek starts in Jagat and ends in Pokhara. This trekking route has the world’s highest pass, named Thorong La Pass, which is situated at an elevation of 5,416 m (17,769 ft).

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is rich in culture and natural beauty. This trek offers a diverse landscape and excellent cultural experiences. This trek ascends from sub-tropical forests to alpine forests. The uneven, rugged path, rocky hills, steep ascents and descents, slippery trails, etc. make the trek more adventurous and challenging.

If you are going on a trek, you should have knowledge regarding the best time of year for the Annapurna Circuit Trek. It is really important to know the weather conditions for the Annapurna Circuit Trek so that you can enjoy your everyday hiking there safely without any tension or hassle. Here, we'll learn about the best time for clear views, the best time to avoid crowds, and peak trekking times for the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

annapurna circuit best time

Table of Contents

Factors you should consider while choosing the best season for the Annapurna Circuit Trek

Before you plan your trek, you should understand the factors that could impact it and prepare accordingly. Here are the factors to consider when choosing the best season for the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Weather Conditions

Knowing about the weather conditions whenever you plan on trekking on the Annapurna Circuit is the best. Weather conditions definitely affect your comfort and safety. Therefore, understand the weather situation and make wise decisions so that you can enjoy it the most when you go trekking.


The temperature in the Annapurna region keeps fluctuating a lot throughout the year and also depends on the altitude and time of year. The seasons that offer moderate temperatures are spring and autumn. Winter has really cold temperatures, and the monsoon season can be warm but rainy.

Rainfall Levels

Rainfall depends from season to season. The monsoon season, which lies between June and August, has the most heavy rainfall. Rainfall causes the trails to become slippery, causing leeches to spread throughout the trail and increasing the risk of landslides. Autumn and spring are dry seasons with excellent trekking conditions. During winter, there is minimal rainfall and snowfall at higher elevations, which leads to slippery trails.

Trail Conditions

Trail conditions vary depending on the weather or season. The trail is easy to navigate and in good condition during autumn and spring. Monsoon leads to rainfall, which ultimately leads to muddy and slippery trail conditions, whereas winter lead to snowfall, which makes the trail covered with ice and challenging to find the correct path. Particularly in Thorong La Pass, it's crucial to equip yourself with the appropriate gear.


The crowd, or number of trekkers, has a significant impact on your trekking experience. Finding a peaceful environment or trails can be challenging, and the availability of accommodation at the last moment is less likely.

Accommodation Availability

During the peak seasons of the Annapurna Circuit Trek, such as spring and autumn, we must make early bookings to avoid the lodges and teahouses filling up quickly, which can lead to difficulties in finding a place to stay. You can face this problem, especially in areas like Thorong Phedi and Manang. You can easily find accommodations during off-seasons like winter and monsoon.

Trail Peace

High trekking traffic during peak seasons means you'll encounter more hikers on the trail, which can lead to a more social and lively atmosphere. However, if you prefer solitude and a peaceful trekking experience, the off-season offers quieter trails with fewer people.

Accommodations and services

The season you choose to trek determines the availability of teahouses, lodges, and other facilities. Here is the detailed information regarding accommodation and services in the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Lodges and teahouses

During the peak trekking seasons, all teahouses and lodges are open, providing you with a great option if you book at the right time. Due to low demand, most teahouses and lodges close during the off-season, so it's important to plan your trekking carefully.

Facilities or services

During the peak seasons, there are all the facilities, including hot showers, meal options, and other necessary things. In the off-season, services are limited because of lower demand and fewer crowds.

Spring Season (March to May)

The spring season is one of the peak trekking times for Annapurna Circuit Trekking. It offers the best time for clear views on the Annapurna Circuit Trek. This season offers moderate temperatures with stable weather. The colorful blooming of rhododendron makes the trek lively, with colorful birds chirping all over the trekking routes. Where there is dense forest, you can also witness wild animals. The trail's condition is perfect for this season.

There is almost zero chance of having rainfall up there. The clear skies offer absolutely stunning views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges, which is also perfect for photographers or those who love to capture the beauty.

The only drawback to trekking during this season is the difficulty of finding quiet trails. As this is the season for trekking, there will be crowds at almost all the places on that route. It will be a bit difficult to find accommodations during this season, so plan accordingly.

best time to go Annapurna CircuitBest time to go Annapurna Circuit

Autumn Season (September to November)

Autumn is also an ideal time to trek the Annapurna Circuit Trek. It is considered the best time of year for the Annapurna Circuit trek. It provides stable and moderate weather conditions. The temperature is moderate, and during this season, the climate does not fluctuate much. It provides a clear view of snowy mountain peaks, as this season offers clear skies. There is almost no rainfall during this season. This is also the perfect season for those who love to click pictures.

This is the only season that offers a festive atmosphere all around the trekking routes. You will get a unique cultural experience as the major festivals, which are Dashain and Tihar, are celebrated by the people of this region. This is the Annapurna Circuit Trek's best time if you want to explore culture and traditions during the trek.

Similar to the spring season, we recommend booking early to avoid potential difficulties during last-minute bookings. This is another season for trekking, so normally the trekking routes are not quiet.

Best time to go Annapurna CircuitBest time to go Annapurna Circuit

Winter Season (December to February)

However, it is not recommended to go on a trek during the winter season, but it is not impossible. You can trek during the winter season with the correct guidance, full preparations, and the right gear. This season, there are fewer trekkers on the trails. This season's trekking is full of peace and tranquil trails. During this season, the skies are also clear without cloud obstruction. There is less crowding, so you can enjoy and learn about their culture and traditions.

When you are at higher altitudes, the temperature can drop at any time. This is why proper gear and preparation are essential. Occasionally, snow covers the trekking trails, particularly Thorong La Pass, making it difficult to navigate and making the trails slippery.

Best time to go Annapurna CircuitBest time to go Annapurna CircuitBest time to go Annapurna Circuit

Monsoon Season (June to August)

Although the monsoon season brings life to the Annapurna Circuit, it is highly not recommended to go on a trek during this season. This season actually offers green landscapes, making it ideal for nature lovers. This season has very few crowds, and the trails are quiet and peaceful.

This season, there are more cons than pros to the trek. As we know, monsoon season brings heavy rainfall, making the trek muddy and slippery. Leeches are present in various locations along the trekking route, and there is a risk of landslides, which can severely damage the condition of the trekking trail. The clouds obstruct the mountain views, and you will not get to enjoy the scenery.

Best time to go Annapurna CircuitBest time to go Annapurna Circuit

What should you choose as Annapurna Circuit Trek's best time?

Choosing the best time for the Annapurna Circuit Trek totally depends on your experience level, weather preferences, and cultural interests. Let's briefly discuss this.

Your level of experience

Depending on your experience level, you should choose the best time for the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

For beginners, Annapurna Circuit Trek's best times are the spring season, which lies between March and May, and the autumn season, which lies between September and November. In these seasons, you can see clear weather and clear skies, moderate temperatures, and good trail conditions.

Similarly, for experienced trekkers, it is more adventurous and challenging if you go on this trek during the winter and monsoon seasons. You should be prepared for this season's trek. The trail conditions are difficult, and it will be a hell of an adventure for sure.

Your weather preference

Choosing the best time for trekking also depends on your weather and climate preferences. If you love a season full of blooming flowers, a season full of snow, or a rainy season, you should choose accordingly.

Spring and autumn seasons provide mild weather where you will be able to see a clear view of mountain ranges with good trail conditions. If you love mild temperatures and weather, you should definitely go for this.

Snow is everywhere during the winter season. The winter season provides cold temperatures with heavy snowfall and snow-layered mountain ranges. If you can tolerate the cold temperature, then you should go for this season with proper preparation.

Similarly, monsoon season is for those trekkers who love rain and don’t mind slippery and muddy trails. This season is full of life and greenery everywhere around the trekking trails. This is the most daring and adventurous season, so you should go only with full preparation and complete your essential gear.

Your cultural preference

Spring and autumn are rich in culture and festivals. If you go on a trek during these seasons, you will get to properly explore the culture, traditions, festivals, and way of life of the local people over there.

The winter and monsoon are mostly quiet and peaceful, but you will get to learn about different cultures properly. Though these seasons have no major festivals, you can interact with the locals and learn their languages more easily.

In Conclusion

We trust that you now understand the confusion surrounding the optimal time to visit the Annapurna Circuit. Before planning for this trek, you should consider things like weather conditions, crowds, accommodation availability, and your personal season preference.

Remember that each season has its own unique features and adventures. Happy Trekking!

Click here if you want to know about Annapurna Circuit Trek and you can also book a feasible package according to your time and itinerary.

  1. Annapurna Circuit Trek 14 days
  2. Short Annapurna Circuit 9 days
  3. Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake 18 days
  4. Annapurna Circuit Trek 15 days
  5. Short Annapurna Circuit Trek with Tilicho Lake 12 days


Karan Gurung

Karan Gurung

Hey! I'm Karan Gurung, a boy who enjoys traveling and exploring new places. I was born in the Ruby Valley, a remote area of Nepal, and later I moved to Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) in search of better education and facilities.  I joined the trekking industry at an early age, started as a porter, assistant guide, and full guide, and now I am the CEO of Nature Excursion. 

I worked as a mountain leader in Nepal's Himalayas for more than 12 years. I have led over 500 or plus trekkers into the mountains during my guiding tenure.  I feel very fortunate to have such an amazing job taking people to the rural parts of Nepal and connecting them with nature.  My ultimate goal is to make travelers happy and give my 100% to achieve their goals.

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