Weather Forecast for Annapurna Circuit Trek

  • Karan Gurung
  • Last Updated on Aug 20, 2024

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is a journey that gives you a reflection of the diverse natural beauty of Nepal’s dramatic landscapes and cultures. Situated in the north-central part of Nepal, it offers jaw-dropping scenery of unbelievable various mountain ranges. You will get to experience the dramatic transition from lush subtropical forests to alpine meadows and high-altitude deserts while ascending from the lower altitude to the higher altitude.

One of the main highlights of this trek, Thorong La Pass, is one of the world’s highest treks, which lies along the route at an elevation of 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), offering captivating views of snow-capped mountain peaks and valleys. Along the Annapurna Circuit Trek, you can witness the mesmerizing mountain peaks, which include Annapurna I, II, III, IV, Dhaulagiri, Machapuchare, etc., and amazing lakes like Gangapurna, Ice lake, and Tilicho Lake. 

The world’s highest lake, Tilicho Lake, also lies around the route if you choose the itinerary of the Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake. This lake has clear, bluish water, which adds beauty to the surrounding nature. The diverse flora and fauna, which includes the colorful dense rhododendron forests, the endangered wild animals, and the colorful wild birds, adds more attraction to the surrounding trekking routes during the Annapurna Circuit Trek in the Annapurna Region.

Table of Contents

Annapurna Circuit Trek Weather Forecast

Although Annapurna Circuit is famous for its breathtaking scenery and landscapes, the diverse climates play another role in making your trek adventurous and challenging. You should collect knowledge regarding weather conditions throughout the year, which is necessary for a safe and enjoyable trekking experience. This detailed weather forecast covers all season conditions along the route, which helps you plan your trek properly.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature (March to May)

March to May, which is also called the spring season, is one of the best times to trek the Annapurna Circuit. This season provides you with clear skies, a stable temperature, and the best weather. Usually, in the lower region, the temperature ranges from 10°C to 25°C (50°F to 77°F) and from -6°C to 10°C (21°F to 50°F) in the higher region. Snow can be seen at the higher altitude of this trekking route, but trails are visible and easy to navigate.

The lower region weather at this season is warm temperature, stable weather, and clear skies. In the higher region or elevation, the temperature is usually cool with blooming rhododendrons and clear mountain views. At Thorong La Pass, the weather is clear with chances of snow, but the trail passes are generally clear during this season.

Besisahar is the starting point of this trek, situated at an elevation of 760 meters (2,493 feet), offering warm weather with a range of temperatures from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). Manang village is situated at an altitude of 3,519 meters/11,545 feet, offering the colorful rhododendron blooms and clear views of Annapurna II, III, IV, and Gangapurna, where temperature ranges from -2°C to 10°C (28°F to 50°F).

Thorong La Pass is located at a height of 5,416 meters (17,769 feet) above sea level, from which you can witness the snow-capped mountain peaks with mild weather and temperatures that range from -10°C to 5°C (14°F to 41°F). Muktinath’s temperature ranges from 0°C to 15°C (32°F to 59°F), which offers unobstructed views of Dhaulagiri and Nilgiri and is situated at 3,760 meters (12,336 feet) above sea level.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and TemperatureAnnapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature (June to August)

From June to August, the monsoon season starts all over Nepal. This time of the year brings rainfall to almost every place in Nepal, which makes the trekking challenging and dangerous. The heavy rainfall is especially at lower elevations, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F). At higher elevations, the temperature ranges from 0°C to 15°C (32°F to 59°F) with less rainfall, but the trekking trails are slippery and muddy during this season.

At lower elevations, there is heavy rainfall with warm temperatures, and at higher elevations, there is moderate rainfall with greenery and rarely clear skies. Talking about Thorong La Pass, there is less rainfall over there, but the trails are slippery and challenging. There are chances of landslides at different places along the trekking route and leeches all over the trekking trails, which makes this season least favorable for trekking.

There are various key locations that offer pretty good views from there during monsoon season. Besisahar, at an elevation of 760 meters (2,493 feet), has a temperature range of 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F) with heavy rainfall and a lush and vibrant landscape. Chame, from where the higher elevation starts, is itself situated at an altitude of 2,670 meters (8,760 feet), offering lush surroundings with moderate rainfall and a temperature range of 15°C to 20°C (59°F to 68°F).

Pisang, located at a height of 3,200 meters (10,498 feet), although clouds may obstruct the views, you can get a chance to see the charm of Annapurna II, and the temperature is between 10°C and 15°C (50°F and 59°F). Similarly, Braga’s temperature ranges from 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F), situated at an altitude of 3,450 meters/11,319 feet. Here, you can visit an ancient monastery for a spiritual experience with monsoon rain.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and TemperatureAnnapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature (September to November)

September to November is considered the best time to trek Annapurna Circuit; these months refer to the autumn season. The weather condition this season is clear with a moderate temperature. The skies are clear with the proper scenic views without obstruction from clouds, and there are also very low chances of rainfall. The temperature in the lower region ranges between 10°C and 25°C (50°F and 77°F), and in the higher region, it is between -6°C and 15°C (21°F and 59°F).

The weather in lower regions usually offers clear skies and warm weather with scenic views. Similarly, there is a cool temperature in higher regions with clear visibility of eye-capturing mountain views. At Thorong La Pass, nights can be very cold, but usually this place offers clear weather with mild temperatures. This time offers the best Annapurna Circuit weather conditions with mesmerizing snow-capped mountain views.

Among the various key locations that offer the best views during this season, Besisahar is the one that is also a starting point for the trek, offering greenery and lush landscapes. The temperature here ranges from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F), and the weather is warm and pleasant. The village of Manang provides you with a stunning Annapurna range view with a golden hue to the landscape, as well as a cultural and festival experience with a temperature range of 0°C to 15°C (32°F to 59°F).

The Thorong La Pass provides amazing views of various mountain peaks during this season. The weather here during autumn is clear, with a temperature range of -5°C to 10°C (23°F to 50°F). Muktinath is a sacred pilgrimage site with gorgeous views of Dhaulagiri and Nilgiri, making this a perfect season to go for, with the temperature ranging from 5°C to 20°C (41°F to 68°F).

Annapurna Circuit Weather and TemperatureAnnapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature (December to February)

December to February is usually the winter season all over Nepal. This season’s weather has the challenging trekking trails fully covered with snow, due to which they become slippery. The temperature during this season is extremely cold, with a -5°C to 15°C (23°F to 59°F) temperature range at lower elevation, and at higher elevation, the temperature ranges from -20°C to -5°C (-4°F to 23°F). The trekking trails of Thorong La Pass and Manang are difficult to navigate and pass through.

The lower elevation usually has a cool temperature with a dry environment; at the higher elevation, there are heavy falls with an extreme cold temperature. Thorong La Pass is impassable due to very cold and heavy snowfall. Though it is not a favorable time to go for the Annapurna Circuit trek due to its weather conditions, you can make it possible with proper planning and preparation with essential gear and packing. 

There are many main locations that offer adorable views during the winter season. Kagbeni is located at an elevation of 2,804 meters (9,199 feet), which is a charming village with ancient architecture, offering clear snow-capped mountain views during winter with a temperature range of 0°C to 10°C (32°F to 50°F).

Upper Pisang, located at a height of 3,300 meters (10,827 feet) from sea level, is a lovely village along the Annapurna Circuit Trek, renowned for its Tibetan-style houses and captivating views of the Annapurna range. The weather remains very cold with heavy snowfall, and the temperature ranges from -10°C to 10°C (14°F to 50°F). Talking about Thorong La Pass during the winter season, the temperature ranges from -20°C to -10°C (-4°F to 14°F), with extreme cold and heavy snowfall making it difficult to cross.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and TemperatureAnnapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature

Tilicho Lake weather and temperature

Tilicho Lake is one of the miraculous and the world’s highest lakes, offering breathtaking views of snow-layered mountains around this lake. It is a side trip during the Annapurna Circuit Trek, located at an altitude of 4,919 meters (16,138 feet), where most trekkers visit Tilicho Lake, as this is the most attractive part of this trek.

The water of this lake seems blue, which reflects the stunning views of snow-capped mountain peaks and the skies. This lake is frozen as it is situated at a higher altitude, especially during the winter season. The journey to this lake is challenging and adventurous, with narrow paths, rugged terrain, and steep climbs, yet rewarding.

During the spring season, Tilicho Lake’s temperature is mild, ranging from -5°C to 10°C (23°F to 50°F), with melting snow, accessible trails, stable weather, and clear skies. The temperature ranges from -10°C to 5°C (14°F to 41°F), which provides stable weather with clear skies and is best for photography. These two have the best Annapurna Circuit Trek weather conditions in a year.

Winter is extremely cold, with temperatures dropping to -20°C (-4°F), and the frozen lakes make it difficult to trek and navigate the path. During the monsoon, the temperature ranges from 0°C to 15°C (32°F to 59°F), with heavy rainfall, slippery trails, and chances of landslides. Winter and monsoon are not considered good seasons to go on a trek, but you can go on a trek in winter with full preparation and experienced guides. During the monsoon, you can visit Upper Mustang instead of long treks like Annapurna Circuit.

Annapurna Circuit Weather and Temperature


The Annapurna Circuit weather and temperature totally depend on the altitude and season. During this trek, the places at lower elevations are warmer than the places at higher elevations. You need proper gear and essential items for your safe and enjoyable trek, so pack according to the season you are going for the trek.

The Annapurna Circuit Trek weather conditions are diverse throughout the year. It is important to have knowledge about the weather and temperature so that you can plan your trek accordingly with proper preparations. It is suggested to go for the seasons that offer the most stable weather conditions, clear skies, and excellent visibility of the mountains. Plan your trek properly and experience the most amazing adventure in the Himalayas during the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Karan Gurung

Karan Gurung

Hey! I'm Karan Gurung, a boy who enjoys traveling and exploring new places. I was born in the Ruby Valley, a remote area of Nepal, and later I moved to Kathmandu (the capital of Nepal) in search of better education and facilities.  I joined the trekking industry at an early age, started as a porter, assistant guide, and full guide, and now I am the CEO of Nature Excursion. 

I worked as a mountain leader in Nepal's Himalayas for more than 12 years. I have led over 500 or plus trekkers into the mountains during my guiding tenure.  I feel very fortunate to have such an amazing job taking people to the rural parts of Nepal and connecting them with nature.  My ultimate goal is to make travelers happy and give my 100% to achieve their goals.

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