Picture was take during the Annapurna Circuit Trek.Picture was take during the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill Trek 16 Days

Quick Facts
  • Trip Duration16 Days
  • Destination Nepal
  • Difficulty Level Moderate
  • Maximum Altitude 4,416 m/17,769 ft
  • Activity Trek
  • Starts/Ends Kathmandu - Kathmandu
  • Group Size 1 - 16
  • Transportation Local bus, Jeep, and Tourist Bus
  • Best Season Spring and Autumn
Why You'll Love This Trip
  • Opportunity to unveil the glorifying Tilicho Lake, which is the deepest lake in the world and lies at 4,919 meters (16,138 ft) and offers a spectacular vista of the Tilicho Peak
  • Get to know the distinctive culture and traditions of the Manangi and Thankali communities.
  • Witness the graceful crown of crystal-clear snowy mountains all along the journey during the 16 days of the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill.
  • Opportunity to discover the lush landscape and vibrant and colorful hills, especially in the spring
  • Opportunity to experience quiet and peaceful surroundings that indulge trekkers in accomplishing their destiny, though it is challenging
  • It comes under ACAP, and a trekker gets an opportunity to encounter diverse ranges of flora and fauna along the way.
  • A delightful glimpse of the sun rising from Poon Hill. Changing the color of mountains into gold as the sun reflects on them.
  • You will get the opportunity to see the deepest george in the world, called Kali Gandaki, which lies between Annapurna I (8,091 meters) and Dhaulagiri I (8,167 meters).

Introduction to the Annapurna Circuit with the Poon Hill Trek of 16 Days

The iconic Annapurna Circuit is one of the most popular and demanding trekking destinations in central Nepal, and it takes trekkers deep into nature, where they meet the splendid glamour of mother nature. Offering a diverse range of lush landscapes, picyureque mountains, flora and fauna, and debtors, along with the distinctive traditions of the Manangi and Thakali people. It has remained a top traveler's choice for decades.

However, the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill for 16 days offers dramatic landscapes, towering waterfalls, suspension bridges, and magnificent glimpses of snow-capped mountains along with Annapurna I and Dhaulagiri I, which enhance your journey once-in-a-lifetime. Not only this, but the welcoming gestures of the locals and their friendly behavior even make this journey more special and remarkable.

The 16 days of Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill start with an eight to nine-hour scenic drive from Kathmandu to Jagat. Then the trail continues following the Marsyangdi river and passes through Dharapani, Chame, Pisang, Manang, Siri Kharka, Tilicho Lake via Tilicho Base Camp, Siri Kharka, Leader, Thorang Phedi, Muktinath, Tatopani, Ghorepani, Pokhara, and back to Kathmandu. You will spend a night in each of the places during this incredible adventure.

As you dive into this incredible adventure, you will have the opportunity to witness a wide range of flora and fauna, as it falls under the Annapurna Conservation Area Projects. Up to an elevation of three thousand meters, you will see rhododendron, chir pine, juniper, Himalayan monal, blood pheasent, Himalayan ghoral, Himalayan thar, etc. and above three thousand meters, you will see snow leopard, mountain goat, blue sheep, vulture, eagle, Himalayan griffon, Tibetan snowcock, Himalayan marmot, alpine trees, etc.

The valley is significant for its historical and ancient monasteries that date back many centuries and sparkle with deep religious and cultural immersion. You will enjoy every moment of your journey, seeing a colorful prayer flag on each step and passing through antique caves and monasteries. During the 16 days of the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hilll, you will encounter a mix of Buddhist and Hindu religions. The six hundred-year-oldest Brakha monasteries, Milerapa Cave near Manang village, the burning flame at Muktinath that has been burning for 2000 years, and Muktinath Temple (a pilgrimage site) are the sacred points of the journey that bring prosperity, peace, and joy to your adventure.

Well, the Annapurna Circuit is a flexible itinerary that can be modified as per the backpacker's choice and preference. If you would like to explore more in the mountains, then the itinerary can be extended to 18 days, or if you want to shorten it, it can be made to 14 days of the Annapurna Circuit or 9 days of the Short Annapurna Circuit itinerary. 

Which are the mountains I can see during my 16 days of the Annapuorna Circuit with Poon Hill Trek?

In contrast, the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill is an iconic trekking route that attracts nature enthusiasts with its indescribable vista of nature. Shining like diamonds, the snowy peaks all through the journey blow away your mind and provide you with heavenly peace. As you jump into it, you will pass through two different valleys that offer different scenery and snow-capped mountains, including three white peaks above 8,000 meters.

The journey of the 16-day Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill starts from Jagat, and you will see Annapurna II, III, IV, Mount Manaslu, Lamjung Himal, Tilicho Peak, Pisang Peak, Chulu Himal, Gangapurna, Thoranh Peak, etc. before the pass. After crossing Thorong La Pass and getting to the other side, trekkers will witness Dhaulagiri I with its ranges, Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Himchuli, Nilgiri, Machhapuchhre, and many more.

A typical day during the journey

The Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill excursion leads you through the classic Annapurna Circuit with a popular view point, Poon Hill, which is famous for morning sunrises. Here is the breakdown of a typical day during the journey.

  • We will wake up early in the morning, around 6:00 am, enjoy the morning view of the surroundings, and get a refresh for breakfast.
  • We will eat our breakfast between 7 to 8 am, go for a backpack, and reday for the day to start for the next camp.
  • During the day, we stop for lunch around eleven to twelve after 3–4 hours of walking. We will take an hour of break for lunch, and after having lunch, we will proceed towards our destination of the day.
  • As we arrived at today's camp, we changed our gear, took a shower, got refreshed, and were ready for dinner. We will take our dinner around six to seven. After dinner, we will have a short brief for the next day, and then we go to bed. 
  • Throughout our journey, our strong porter will help us shift our luggage from one place to another.

This is how we will spend our daily days during the 16 days of the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill journey.

Is it worth doing the Annapurna Circuit trek with Poon Hill for 16 days?

The magical Annapurna Circuit, with Poon Hill as a popular view point, is no doubt the best choice for you to embark on. It takes you from 1290 m/4,232 ft. at Jagat Village to 5,416 m/17,769 ft. at Thorong La Top (the highest pass in the world) and has dozens of activities to do and see. As you step towards the journey, Mother Nature will amaze you with dramatic landscapes, lush forests, arid hills, and magnificent snowy mountains.

Secondly, the Annapurna Circuit, along with Poon Hill, offers unique and mixed cultures of Manangi, Thakali, Magar, and Tibetan. It will be the best opportunity for travelers to learn and exchange cultures with them. As you are from different parts of the world, seeing their cultures, livelihoods, typical days, etc. might be new and something different to experience, which you have not experienced at your place. So, jumping into this valley is absolutely worth it, and we guarantee you will love it.

What is the cost for 16 days of Annapurna Circuit and Poon Hill?

Talking about the cost of the 16-day Annapurna Circuit along with Poon Hill, it is an adventure that justifies the real value of your money that you have invested with us for this incredible adventure. The cost of the adventure depends on the size of the group, the services and facilities, and the length of the itinerary. Usually, the cost of it ranges from SUD 800 to SUD 3,000, fully depending on your choice and preference.

While selecting the package, usually you will have three options to choose from: budget treks, standard treks, and luxury treks with better facilities. On average, you will spend USD 30 to USD 45 as daily expenses for food, accommodation, and drinks, while a porter can be hired for USD 20 on a daily basis.

In contrast, the journey to the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill falls under the Annapurna Conservation Area. To enter into it, a backpacker is required to get the ACAP permit and Tims Card, which cost USD 23 for the ACAP permit and USD 15 for the TIMS card.

Altitude sickness and difficulty on a 16-day Annapurna Circuit with the Poon Hill Trek

The Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill is a moderate-to-challenging adventure in central Nepal that requires good stamina, both mental and physical. Every day, you have to walk for 6-7 hours and cover 10 to 15 kilometers, including breaks in between, to visualize the breathtaking glimpse of natural beauties.

The journey includes immense climbing uphill, steep descents, and a flat trail. If you have hiking experience or often hike at your place, it will be an advantage for you. The Annapurna Circuit, along with Poon Hill, does not require technical skills as it is a moderate-natured hiking destination in Nepal. Anyone who can walk for 5–6 hours in a day can complete the journey, but remember that walking at higher altitudes requires good physical and mental stamina.

Well, comparing Annapurna Circuit and Poon Hill itinerary with Everest Baase Camp Trek, the chances of altitude sickness are comparably low as the journey starts from low elevation here, and trekkers get enough time to acclimit themselves. Fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dizziness, running nose, cough, etc. are the symptoms that can be seen at an early stage. It is common to feel light symptoms at higher elevations. 

Regular jugging, swimming, cardio training, weight lifting, etc. at home before this adventure enhances trekkers enjoyment of this journey. Positiveness, self-confidence, and good physical fitness are important to make the excursion hassle-free. 

Why should you choose Nature Excursion for this incredible journey? 

While choosing Nature Excursion for your incredible adventure to the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill, there are a lot of benefits that we offer that you do not want to miss. We offer not only the best price but also an expert team leader. We have been serving our customers with the best leaders who have decades of guiding experience in the Himalayas of Nepal. They are smart, active, very friendly, have years of guiding experience and knowledge about first aid, are informative, good at speaking English, are well trained, and have received a guiding license from the government of Nepal.

We aim for customer satisfaction, and we do not compromise on giving our best and satisfying you. From the date of your arrival in Nepal, during the trekking, and until your final departure home, we will always be here to help you and protect you. During this period of time, if you would like to ask about anything, we are always there for you.

Below are some of the benefits that the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill itinerary includes. 

  • Free airport pick-up and drop-off
  • An expert guide with years of guiding experience in the Himalayas of Nepal and a porter
  • A budget-friendly package
  • First-aid box
  • Down jacket, first-aid kit, sleeping bag, and duffel bag during the trek
  • Complementary welcome or farewell dinner
  • 24/7 support
  • No hidden cost
  • Transportation as per the itinerary, etc.
Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill Trek 16 Days pictures and video



We start our journey of the 16-day Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill, followed by a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Jagat via Besisahar, which takes 7 to 8 hours. During the drive, you will get to see the beautiful landscapes, terrace fields, Trishuli River, waterfalls, and magnificent glimpses of Lamjung Himal, Ganesh Himal, and Mount Manaslu. After a long hour of driving, we will reach Jaagat and spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:1290 m/4,232 ft
  • Meals:Lunch and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:7-8 hours

The real hiking of the journey starts today. We wake up early in the morning, around 6 am and get ready for breakfast. After breakfast, we kick off towards our destination, which takes 5–6 hours and covers 12.2 kilometers (7.76 miles). As we start, we will be amazed by the stunning waterfalls, giant green hills, suspension bridges, and lush landscapes. In between, after 3–4 hours of hiking, we stop for lunch at Taal village for an hour. Then we continue towards Dharapani, crossing the Marsyangdi River. As we reach, we change our gear, get refreshed, and stay overnight with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:1,860 m/6,200 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:5-6 hours

On this day, we start our hike early in the morning, after breakfast. The journey leads you through Bagarchhap, Dnaque, Timang, Thanchok, Koto, and Chame (the headquarters of Manang district). It will take 6-7 hours in total, including a lunch break, and cover 14 kilometers (8.5 miles). Along the way, you will get to see the apple firm, lush rhododendron, and pine forest. 

Timang village is the perfect place to stop for breakfast today. All the teahouses are painted beautifully and offer a mesmerizing glimpse of Mount Manaslu, Lamjung Himal, and Timang Peak. After lunch, we continue to Chame, witnessing the Massif Annapurna II, thrilling landscapes, and a lush forest of rhododendron and pine trees along the way. We spent our night at Chame.

  • Max. Altitude:2,610 m/8,890 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:5-6 hours

Today, we will start our day with a hot and delicious breakfast towards Upper Pisang, which takes 4-5 hours and is 13.7 kilometers (8.5 miles). After 2 hours of hiking, you will reach Brakha (a big apple firm), where you will get the opportunity to taste the fresh apple juice and other bakery items. Today's hike will surprise you with outstanding landscapes, alpine trees, beautiful meadows, and snowy peaks like Annapurna II and III, Chulu Far-East, Pisang Peak, etc.

We stop for lunch at Dukhu Pokhari, which is one of the best places to have lunch, seeing the tranquil beauty of the snow-capped mountains and the lush landscapes. Also, you will see the Swarga Dwari (stais to heaven) from this point. After lunch, we continue to Upper Pisang. Upon reaching Pisang, we explore the village and monastery of Pisang and stay overnight with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:3,300 m/10,827 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4-5 hours

On this day, we have two options to choose from to reach Manang Villahe: the lower trail and the upper trail. If we follow the lower one, it will be easy with less upclimbing and comparatively 3 hours shorter than the upper one. Whereas the upper trail has many steep uphills and descents, you will see the best vision of snow-capped mountains along the journey.

Today, you will see Pisang Peak, Annapurna II, III, and IV, Tilicho Peak, Gangapurna, and Chulu, along with the six hundred-year-old Brakha Monastery at Brakha. Upon reaching Manang, we explore the village and spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:3,540 m/11,300 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:7-8 hours

Today is the rest day, or acclimation hike day. It is very important to have an acclimation hike while doing such an adventurous event in the high Himalayas of Nepal. On our rest day, you have the option to do a sort of hike to Chhonkar View Point and take a rest, or you can do a full-day hike to Ice Lake. 

Chhonkar View Point is next to Manang village, stands at 3,720 meters, and offers a stunning glimpse of the white mountains, Manang Valley, and Gangapurna Lake. It can be completed in 3 hours. Whereas, to reach Ice Lake, it takes 3–4 hours in total and has a rough and steep trail. But you will be amazed by the close sight of Annapurna II, III, IV, Gangapuran, and the tranquil beauty of Ice Lake. Most travelers prefer to visit Chhonkar View Point, and some will visit Ice Lake; it’s your choice to choose. After exploring Manang Valley, we spend the night at the same teahouse with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:3,540 m/11,300 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:3 hours

Today, we kick off towards our camp in Siri Kharka right after a hot and delicious breakfast, and that takes 4-5 hours, which covers 12 kilometers (7.4 miles). As we start our hike, we separate and follow the trail that leads to Tilicho Lake from the end of Manang village. Now, it is very important to remember that, as you are walking in the alpine above 4,000 meters, do not rush but rather give yourself enough time to acclimate yourself and walk slowly. Today’s journey led you flat in the beginning, and as you crossed the suspension bridge, it led you gradually up until Sirir Kharkha. As your hike becomes challenging and tough due to the uphill and altitude, it equally motivates you, offering an adorable glimpse of the snowy mountains next to you along with arid hills and beautiful landscapes. After walking for 3–4 hours, you will reach Siri Kharka and spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:4,060 m/13,320 f
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4โ€“5 hours

As we finish our breakfast, we set our program for Tilicho Base Camp, which takes 3–4 hours and covers 8 kilometers (4.9 miles). Today, you have to be more careful and strictly follow your leader's guidelines as you are walking through huge landslide parts and the chances of falling rocks are there. Your journey to Tilicho Base Camp will be more thrilling and adventurous because of the combination of mesmerizing glimpses of nature and a challenging and risky section of the landslide area. Upon reaching Tilicho Base  Camp, explore it and spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:3,900 m/12,795 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:3-4 hours

Today is your first rewarding day for the hard work you have put into walking through rough and rocky trails and climbing uphill for many days. So, we start our hike very early in the dark with a packed breakfast, around 3 am with the help of a headlight to get a tranquil glimpse of the sun rising along the way. The hike to Tilicho Lake is steep up until the top; it takes 3–4 hours in total and covers 5 kilometers (3.1 miles).

Standing at an altitude of 4919 m/16138 ft, it offers the tranquil beauty of Tilicho Lake along with a magnificent view of Tilicho Peak. We explore the lake for twenty minutes and return to Tilicho Base Camp. We will take our lunch and continue towards Siri Kharka through the same trail. Upon reaching, get refreshed and spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:4,900 m/16,138 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:7-8 hours

Today we walk towards Leader after breakfas, which takes 5–6 hours and covers 11 kilometers (6.8 miles). As we start with gradual up until the top, then descent to the river and flat until Leader, The hikes give an opportunity to see mountain goats, blue sheep, yaks, etc. along the way. Not only that, you will be amazed by seeing the beautiful Manang Valley and magnificent mountain ranges. Upon reaching, explore the lelader and spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:4,050 m/14,275 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:5-6 hours

After breakfast, we start our day towards High Camp, which takes approximately 4-5 hours and covers 6.5 kilometers (4 miles). The trail leads you with flat and gradual ups until Thorong Phedi (where we stop for lunch), then we climb until High Camp. Along the journey, you might see blue sheep, mountain goats, Himalayan thar, snow pigeons, Himalayan griffons, etc. As the hike becomes more challenging due to the elevation gain and rocky terrain, the journey becomes more interesting as you see beautiful meadows, lush landscapes, arid hills, and snowy mountains. Upon reaching High Camp, we do a small hike to the view point and back to the teahuts, where we spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:4,800 m/15,744 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4-5 hours

We have a big day ahead of us. We start very early in the dark, with the help of headlights, enjoying the beautiful landscapes and snowy peaks on your sides. As you have struggled a lot in the previous days and maintained your patience, today is rewarding for your hard work as you witness the mesmerizing glimmer of tranquil landscapes and snowy mountains. As Thorong La Pass is one of the highest passes in the world, it's a victory and a record-keeping moment in your life.

After 3-4 hours of walking, we will reach the top, spend a few minutes taking pictures and enjoying moments, and then descend towards Muktinath, as it is freezing at the top. After 4-5 hours of walking down the hill, we will reach Muktinath. It is very well-known among Hindus and Buddhists. Upon reaching Muktinath, take a good shower, have lunch, and explore the Muktinath Temple.

Note: You will see the burning flame, which has been burning for 2,000 years until now.

  • Max. Altitude:5,416 m/17,769 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:8-9 hours

Today we will take a scenic drive from Muktinath to Tatioani, which takes 4-5 hours. The drive to Tatopani offers an outstanding glimpse of Dhaulagiri, Annapurna South, and Nilgiri, along with vibrant hills, towering waterfalls, and lush landscapes. Upon reaching Tatopani, we check in and visit the natural hot spring. After long and tiring events in the Himalayas, it gives you a good chance to relax.

  • Max. Altitude:1,200 m/3,940 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:4-5 hours

Today, we hiked from Tatopani to Ghorepani, which took 7-8 hours. The trail takes you through terrace fields and passes through country side. The journey of today is long, but you will get to know the real culture and typical days of the Magar community of people. After 3–4 hours of hiking, we will reach Sikha, where we will stop for lunch. After lunch, we continue towards Ghorepani. 

Ghorepani is the big village of the Magar community, from where you will see a stunning glimpse of Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Machhapuchhre, Dhaulagiri, Himchuli, Nilgiri, etc. Upon reaching Ghorepani, we spend the night with included meals.

  • Max. Altitude:2,874 m/9,425 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
  • Accommodation:Teahouse
  • Duration:7-8 hours

We wake up very early and leave for the Poon Hill hike in the dark with the help of headlights. After walking for an hour, we will reach Poon Hill and embrace the tranquil beauty of the morning sunrise over giant mountains. You will be surprised to see the huge mountains turning golden in color from the reflection of the morning sun.

After spending an hour there, enjoying the moments, and taking pictures, we return to the teahouse, take our breakfast, and continue towards Pokhara. After breakfast, we walk for 2-3 hours down hills and take a drive to Pokhara. Upon reaching Pokhara, get refreshed and explore Pokhara city.

  • Max. Altitude:822 m/2,696.85 ft
  • Meals:Breakfast and Lunch
  • Accommodation:Hotel
  • Duration:5โ€“6 hours

Today, we will take a tourist bus from Pokhara to Kathmandu, which takes 7-8 hours. Along the journey, you will see beautiful terrace fields and green vegetation. As we arrive in Kathmandu, we transfer you to your hotel. After check-in, get refreshed for the farewell dinner.

  • Max. Altitude:1,400 m/4,539 ft
  • Accommodation:Hotel
  • Duration:7-8 hours
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Cost Details
  • Free airport transfers to and from Tribhuvan International Airport upon arrival and departure
  • All standard meals during the trek (breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
  • One-night accommodation with breakfast in Pokhara (hotel)
  • One professional, experienced, and friendly Nature Excursions government-licensed, English-speaking native guide and porter with their salary, meals, accommodation, insurance, and necessary equipment
  • A local strong porter to carry your luggage ( 2 trekkers = 1 porter, weight limit 10 kg each)
  • Annapurna Conservation Area (ACAP) permit fees
  • Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) card
  • Trekking equipment such as sleeping bag, down jacket, and duffle bag
  • Accommodation during the trek (tea house/lodge)
  • Water purification tablet to purify your tap water during the trek for safe drinking
  • An assistant trek guide groups over 8 trekkers.
  • Transportation from Pokhara to Kathmandu by comfortable tourist bus
  • Transportation during the trek
  • Snacks ( cookies/snickers/bounty)
  • Seasonal fresh fruit every evening after dinner
  • Arranging rescue operations in case of complicated health conditions ( funded by your travel insurance)
  • Souvenir: The Company’s T-shirt 
  • Nature Excursions certificate of appreciation after successful trek
  • Farewell dinner at the end of the trek in Kathmandu
  • International flight costs
  • Nepal Entry Visa fees for multiple entries on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport ( 15 days: $25–30, 30 days: $40–50, and 90 days: $100–10)
  • All accommodation and meals in Kathmandu, before and after the trek
  • Extra-night accommodation, meals in Kathmandu and Pokhara due to early arrival or late departure, early return from the trek
  • Lunch and dinner in Pokhara
  • Personal expenses ( shopping, snacks, boiled water, tea/coffee, hard and cold drinks, hot shower, laundry, wifi, battery re-charge fee, telephone calls, extra porters)
  • Personal clothing and gear
  • Travel insurance, which has to cover emergency high-altitude rescue and evacuation along with medical coverage,
  • Tips for guides and porters
  • Additional costs due to delays caused by circumstances beyond our company's control, like landslides, itinerary modifications due to safety concerns, weather conditions, illness, changes of government policies, and strikes
  • All the costs and expenses that are not listed in the include section

Clients Reviews

  • Safety first and see you soon!

    Due to the weather, we weren't able to trek very far. However, there is so much I have to say about Karan and his team. Such professional men, and always had our safety first. I would 100000% recommend trekking with this company. I still carry a lot of grief over not being able to complete the trek, but I am so comforted by the fact that we were safe and with professionals. When I come back to Nepal, I look forward to trekking with Karan again.

    Isabelle E
    Isabelle ECanadaOct 18, 2023
  • Annapurna Circuit Trek

    Went trekking with Karan and his team in the Fall of 2022 and had a great experience covering the Annapurna Circuit. The trek was beautiful and the guide team (Karan and two porters) significantly added to the experience. Our group did a custom trip for the 4-person group that worked well. The lodging and food they selected were great. The team added to the experience by making on-the-fly adjustment in the agenda (changing the overnight stay), booking a donkey to assist one of the group who developed a sore ankle, finding interesting dinner options (roasted chicken), and assisting with early exit family emergency transportation for one person in the party. More important than the logistics help was that the team was fun and engaging. When spending several weeks together, having a team that is fun to talk to and learn from significantly adds to the experience.

    Barry W
    Barry WUnited StatesAug 21, 2023
Useful Information

Which is the ideal time to embark on the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill for 16 days?

The Annapurna Circuit, with an additional itinerary to Ghorepani Poon Hill, is a classical trekking route that offers diverse landscapes, tranquil terrains, lush forests, and stunningly beautiful snowy mountains. It is suitable during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) with its pleasant temperatures and stable weather conditions. Let’s dive into detail to determine the ideal time to embark on this incredible adventure.

Spring, which falls from March to May

Firstly, spring, which falls from March to May, is one of the ideal times to do the Annapurna Ciecuit with Poon Hill for 16 days. In the meantime, the surroundings become romantic with the blooming hills of rhododendron, vibrant landscapes, clear skies, dazzling peaks, and suitable weather conditions. It will be warm during the day and normal in the morning and evening.

The temperature during spring on the Annapurna Circuit at lower elevation ranges from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius during the day and drops to 5 to 10 degrees Celsius at night, whereas at middle elevation it ranges from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius during the day and -5 to 5 degrees Celsius at night. As the elevation goes above four thousand meters, the temperature drops to -5 to 10 degrees Celsius during the day and to -10 degrees Celsius or above during the night.

Due to the pleasant weather during the spring, travelers prefer to visit Annaourna Ciecuit in the meantime.

Autumn, which falls from September to November

Secondly, autumn is another great time of the year to embark on a 16-day Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill. In the meantime, trekkers get an opportunity to see clear skies and a magnificent glimpse of snow-capped mountains, as well as arid hils, lush landscapes, and stunning meadows. As autumn starts after the end of the monsoon, you will experience humid and fresh air.

While diving into the 16 days of Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill during autumn, the weather remains stable, and the temperature differs depending on the altitude. With an eye-catching glimpse of beautiful nature along with quiet and peaceful surroundings, you will understand the real and natural world, where you will experience heavenly peace.

With the pleasant surroundings and perfect weather during autumn, many travelers prefer to do the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill.

Monsoon and Winter

Monsoon and winter are the two seasons that are considered off-season for trekking in Nepal. Why are these two seasons not suitable for trekking? Let’s discuss this topic.

The monsoon is the rainy season of the year. In the meantime, most of the places along the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill get disturbed, and the trail gets muddy and slippery from the continued rain. It will be more risky due to the heavy flooding and landslides. It can be done with proper preparation and an expert team, but we do not recommend this adventure during this period of time. If you have a vacation in the autumn, then it is suggested that you do either the Upper Mustang or Ghorepani Poon Hill.

Winter is the coldest time of the year and is not suitable for doing the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill. In the meantime, the environment becomes freezing cold, and the temperature drops to -10 to -15 degrees Celsius or more. Along with these, walking trails will be covered by snow, and it will be challenging to navigate. Sometimes it gets impossible to complete due to heavy snow over the top. If you dare to face challenges and risks on your own, it can be done with proper preparation with an expert native leader. But we strongly advise against doing it during the autumn; instead, you can do Short Poon Hill, Khopra Danda, or Mardi Himal Trek.

Due to the unpredictable weather situation and high chances of risk along the journey, the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill during the monsoon and autumn is highly not recommended. Even if you would like to take on challenges and risks, a lot of preparation and a local native leader are required. He can assist you in an emergency and show you the right track during the journey.

Which permit is required for the 16-day Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill? 

Well, the classical route to the Annapurna Circuit with the Poon Hill passes through the Annapurna Conservation Area, so you must obtain an ACAP permit and TIMS card for permission to enter the valley. To go into any restricted area, national park, or conservation area, one must obtain a permit from the authorized department at Kathmandu. 

Annapurna Conservation Area (ACAP) Permit

We obtained an Annapurna Conservation Area permit to enter the Annapurna Region from the Nepal Tourism Board in Kathmandu. It costs NPR 3,000 for international travelers, whereas travelers from SAARC countries pay only NPR 1,000. 

Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) Card

The Trekking Information Management System (TIMS) is implemented by the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN), located at Maligaun Ganeshthan, Kathmandu. The cost of the TIMS card is NPR 2,000 for international trekkers, whereas the cost of it for people from SAARC countries is NPR 600.

Things you should know about the 16-day Annapurna Circuit with the Poon Hill Trek

  • Charging: While doing the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill Trek for 15 days, there is the availability of changing with a small amount of charging fare, but in some places in lower places you will get free of charge. As the journey is quite long, we recommend carrying portable solar power and spare batteries. It will save you some money on extra expenses.
  • Internet: At the moment, most of the teahouses along the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill provide Wi-Fi facilities for a small amount of money. But due to the remote area or the maximum number of users in the lodges, it will be very weak, and sometimes it doesn't work.
  • Luggage: Every individual should limit 10 kg of weight for a porter. Our one porter can carry two people's luggage with a total weight of 20 kg, and you should carry your essentials on your daypack.
  • Tip: In Nepal, tipping has the significance of travel culture. After such an adventurous journey in the Himalayas of Nepal, we would like to request that you tip our on-field crew if you are happy with our services. Which we do not include in our package.
  • Travel insurance: It is very important to buy travel insurance before jumping into the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill to minimize the risk of an unforeseen incident. It will financially assist you, and in times of emergency, it will evacuate quickly.
  • Currency: While doing the 16 days of Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill, you may require cash for your personal expenses, like hot or cold drinks, a hot shower, battery charge, internet, etc. During this time, it will be better if you take Nepali currency. They do not accept foreign currency; even with foreign currency, you won’t get a good exchange rate. It’s better if you take a certain amount of NPR cash from Kathmandu. 

Food and accommodation during the 16-day Annapurna Circuit with the Poon Hill Trek

Our 16-day Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill Trek package includes all the accommodation throughout the journey and three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In Dharapani, Chame, Pisang, Manang, Muktinath, Ghorepani, and Tatopani, you will get twins or a single room with an attached bathroom, whereas in Jagat, Leader, and Phedi, you will get a neat and clean standard room and have to share the common rest room.

Similarly, during the journey, you will get three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You are free to select the meals from the menu, where you have options to choose from local authentic food to western food. If you would like to buy additional snacks or drinks, you are free to do so. Carry some Nepali cash; it will be more helpful in the mountains.

Note: We will provide two nights of accommodation in Kathmandu and one night of accommodation in Pokhara at a 3-star hotel with Western amenities. Along with that, we offer either a welcome or a farewell dinner at a cultural restaurant in Kathmandu.

How do I get a visa?

Getting a travel visa for Nepal is an easy and quick process. You will get a visa for Nepal at every entry point at the border, including Tribhuvan International Airport. Fill out the travel visa form and submit the required documents, like a passport-size photo and a valid passport, at the visa counter, and you will get the visa. 

The duration of the visa ranges from 15 to 90 days; depending on the purpose of your visit. The fee for a visa for 15 days is USD 30, for 30 days it is USD 50, and for 90 days it is USD 125.

Note: Nationals of particular countries, like Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Cameroon, Somalia, Liberia, Iraq, Ethiopia, and Afghanistan, are not allowed to get an on-arrival visa. So, make sure you check and contact your embassy before coming to Nepal. 

Do I need travel insurance?

Yes, while doing such adventurous events in the Himalayas of Nepal, it is mandatory to get travel insurance before jumping into it. The Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill excursion takes you to an elevation of 5,416 m (17,756 ft) through a rough and rocky trail. So, chances of altitude sickness are there, along with uncertain incidents that may occur during the journey. If you have travel insurance, it will give you peace of mind and cover all expenses if an unfortunate incident occurs along the way. 

While buying the travel insurance for the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill, please mention that it should cover up to 6,000 meters along with all the expenses of medical and emergency evacuation.

Is it possible to make a last-minute booking with Nature Excursion?

The answer is "yes." A traveler can do a last-minute booking for the Annapurna Circuit with the Poon Hill trek with us. It is important that a trekker be in Kathmandu before the journey starts and let us know in advance about their physical fitness. 

During the last-minute booking, a trekker should make a 100 percent payment of the package price, which is non-refundable.



  • Sun hat or scarf
  • Winter hat, insulating hat or wide-brimmed hat
  • Headlight with extra battery


  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglass with UV protection
  • Face and body wipes


  • Lightweight gloves
  • Lightweight winter gloves


  • Hiking shirt
  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Hooded rain jacket
  • Fleece jacket
  • Lightweight cotton pants
  • T-shirt (bring lightweight wool)
  • Polypropylene underwear
  • Down jacket (available for rent in Kathandu)
  • Sweater
  • Waterproof jacket and trousers


  • Hiking boots
  • Thick wool shocks (take an extra pair of thick wool shocks)
  • Crampons


  • Backpack or daypack (size depends on whether you take a porter or not)
  • Thermal bottle
  • Water purification
  • Trekking pole
  • Sleeping bag (a -20-degree sleeping bag is best for high-altitude trekking)


  • Medium-size drying towel
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Biodegradable bar soap
  • Nail clippers


  • Money
  • Watch
  • Cell phone
  • Camera


  • First aid kit
  • Extra password photos and photocopies of password
  • Notebook and pen
  • Binoculars

Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill Trek 16 Days FAQs

  • The Annapurna Circuit is one of the popular trekking routes in the Annapurna region, which lies in the central part of Nepal and passes through the Annapurna massif and Dhaulagiri.

  • The Annapurna Circuit including Ghorepani Pool is the most demanding and popular trekking destination in Nepal due to its diverse landscapes, culture, and traditions, along with eye-catching mountain ranges.

  • Yes, you can see Annapurna I with its ranges, and along with that, you will see Dhailagiri, Machhapuchhre, Himchuli, and Nilgiri.

  • Yes, due to its flexible itinerary, it is suitable for both beginners and advanced backpackers.

  • It depends on your physical stamina. We recommend that you hire a porter if you want to enjoy every moment of your journey. If you carry luggage by yourself, you cannot enjoy it as much as you want to. Every day, 5–6 hours of continued walking with 15 kg or more in the alps is really a challenging task.

  • If you do regular exercise like jugging, cycling, swimming, weight lifting, cardio training, yoga, etc. at your place a month before you jump into the Annapurna Circuit with Poon Hill, that will be more than enough for this adventure.

  • No, you cannot trek on your own. The Annapurna Circuit comes under the ACAP, which is a restricted area. As of the latest update from the government of Nepal, no travelers are allowed to travel on their own in restricted areas like national parks and conservation areas.

  • While trekking into the Annapurna Circuit, which comes under the Annapurna Conservation Area Project, a trekker must have the following permit to enter it:

    • Annapurna Conservation Area Project (ACAP)
    • Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN)
  • The total distance of the Annapurna Circuit is approximately 160–230 kilometers (100-145 miles), depending on the itinerary that a traveler prefers to choose.

  • Normally, we have to walk 5–6 hours a day, but sometimes it might be shorter days or sometimes it gets a long day like 8–9 hours at Thorong La Pass.

  • The highest point on the Annapurna Circuit is Thorong La Pass, which is at an elevation of 5,416 meters and approximately 17,769 feet.

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